Fighting for reconciliation: Trump speaks after impeachment vote


Trying to reconcile
Trump speaks after impeachment vote

After Trump supporters storm the United States Capitol, the House of Representatives opens impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Only a few hours later he addressed the audience with warm words. He does not mention the process initiated against him with a single syllable.

Shortly after the impeachment proceedings against him began, the president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, addressed the nation with a call for reconciliation. “I clearly condemn the violence we saw last week,” Trump said in a five-minute video message that the White House posted on YouTube on Wednesday night (local time).


“Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country or in our movement.” He called on the population to ease tension, calm feelings and contribute to peace in the country. “Let’s decide to move on together.” Trump did not mention the impeachment process initiated.

Angry Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on Wednesday last week after an inciting speech from the president. Several people died in the riots. Democrats accused Trump of instigating the unrest and within days prepared an impeachment process against him, which the House of Representatives officially opened on Wednesday.

Trump tried to distance himself from his violent supporters who stormed the Capitol. “No true supporter of mine could defend political violence,” he said in the video. Those who use violence do not support their movement, but attack the movement and the country. “We cannot accept that.” Regardless of whether someone is politically left or right, a Democrat or a Republican, there is no justification for violence. This applies without exception.

Ahead of reports of possible new violent protests in the capital Washington and other parts of the country in the coming days, Trump called for the violence to be renounced.
