Fight Corona: Spain is still tough


Maximum protection measures against the corona virus in Madrid.
Image: AFP

Parliament extends exit restrictions, which could last until May. Experts estimate that the number of infected and dead people in Spain could also be much higher than official figures suggest.

Men Spain sees no reduction in exit restrictions on demand. Parliament decided on Thursday night to extend it until April 26; The restrictions are among the strictest in the western world and have been in place for almost four weeks. The pandemic is gradually being controlled, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said Thursday: “We have reached and exceeded the peak of infections. We are about to start the descent. ” The return to everyday life will only begin gradually and in coordination with scientists. “We cannot know what kind of normality we are going to restore,” Sánchez admitted in the plenary session of Parliament, where there were only a few members.

Hans-Christian Roessler

Although countries like Austria and Denmark are already planning a concrete relief, the Spanish head of government did not want to compromise, even if the employees of non-vital companies can return to their jobs next week. “I am convinced that I will return here in two weeks to ask for the alarm to be extended,” said the head of government, whom the conservative opposition in parliament accused of failing. The conservative Popular Party (PP), the liberal right-wing party Ciudadanos and several smaller political groups approved on Thursday night the request by Sánchez’s leftist coalition to extend exit restrictions until April 26 for the time being. The right-wing populist party Vox and the radical CUP party opposed it; several separatist parties abstained.

Initially, the Spanish government plans to use a large-scale study to get an overview of how widespread the coronavirus is and how large the proportion of Spaniards are already immune. Only then do you want to decide how to proceed in Madrid. Over the next few weeks, more than 60,000 people across the country will be evaluated for this purpose. There is consensus among experts that there are significantly more of the 152,000 infected that the Ministry of Health reported on Thursday.

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According to a calculation from the Imperial College mathematical model, it could represent up to 15 percent of the population, approximately seven million people. So far, the number of new infections and reported deaths has slowly decreased in Spain. According to the Ministry of Health, 683 people have died from the effects of the coronavirus in the last 24 hours; on Wednesday there were 757. There was a slight decrease in the number of new infections (5765 new cases), as well as in intensive care units.
