Federal-State Summit: Weil Wants Corona Concept By January | NDR.de – news


Status: November 16, 2020 9:32 am

The Chancellery puts into play more contact restrictions for today’s crown inquiries by the federal and state governments. Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) is in favor of a global strategy.

The federal government suggests that everyone should significantly reduce their private contacts again at least until Christmas. According to the draft resolution, which is available to the ARD capital studio, parties and celebrations must be canceled entirely. Therefore, meetings with friends should be limited to a fixed home. Only a maximum of two people from different households can meet in public. Prime Minister Weil wants to speak to the press in the early afternoon after deliberations that begin at 2 pm The exact time will only be communicated on short notice. NDR.de broadcasts the statement on the live stream here at this point.

Stephan Weil (SPD) with mouth and nose protection in the Lower Saxony state parliament.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Julian Stratenschulte

AUDIO: Before the Corona meeting: Weil wants an overall strategy (6 min)

Because: wait another week with new resolutions

Originally, the federal and state governments agreed on a provisional balance for today, he said Because in an interview with NDR Info. Because there is still no overview of how the regulations that have been in force since the beginning of November and if it is enough. He advocated for an in-depth discussion today in the group, to meet again in a week or ten days and then to decide on an overall strategy. “We are well advised to plan a medium-term course until January and on this basis to give the citizens a clear orientation,” Weil said.

Keep schools open

Weil also spoke out in favor of keeping schools open. In Lower Saxony, more than 80 percent of schools were able to teach face-to-face lessons last week. So far, it has been very successful in keeping the infection process out of schools. Furthermore, the burden on families is very high if significant restrictions reappear.

Weil believes that it is possible to break the wave

Weil sees no room for relaxation. “Progress is not enough because we continue to deal with an increase in infections day by day,” said the SPD politician in an interview with NDR 1 Lower Saxony. After all, the sharp rise has moderated significantly. This development shows that the path taken is the correct one. The restrictions decided in late October should continue until at least the end of November, Weil said. “A key role is played by the fact that we all keep our contacts to a minimum, always and everywhere,” he said. This is one of the most important prerequisites for a decrease in the number of infections and also for significant relaxation. “If politics and society continue to act together resolutely in the coming weeks, I am in a good mood because we can break this wave and hopefully have a peaceful Christmas,” Weil said.

Financial aid must be paid quickly

Regarding the areas particularly affected by the restrictions, such as gastronomy and culture, Weil highlighted the importance of the announced federal financial aid. In deliberations, it will urge that promised support and, in particular, advances reach those affected quickly and without bureaucracy. The latest signals from the federal government gave him confidence.

Tight restrictions for restaurants and hotels.

At their last meeting in late October, Chancellor Merkel and the country’s leaders decided to toughen the crown’s rules on numerous occasions. Currently, a maximum of ten people from two households is allowed to meet. In addition, among other things, the closure of restaurants, cultural institutions and amusement parks was ordered and overnight stays of tourists in hotels were prohibited. The next federal-state conference on the status of the crown is already scheduled for next Monday, November 23. This is reported by NDR 1 Lower Saxony.

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 11/16/2020 | 8:00 am

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