Federal-state meeting: these are the new resolutions of the Crown



Status: 04.03.2021 1:49 am

Bookstores, florists, and garden markets may open on Mondays. But then it gets complicated: what is possible again since when and when there is a risk of closures: Corona resolutions at a glance.

The blockade will initially last until March 28, but the decision of the federal-state meeting also contains the first steps of easing. The federal and state governments indicate that new factors have changed the pandemic. This means that the number of new infections is increasing, but there are also more effective means of countering it: more vaccines, as well as rapid tests and self-tests.

What is new about the resolutions is the strong link between the opening steps and the advocacy values, as well as an emergency mechanism. The opening steps can be removed again at a certain incidence. Here’s what resolutions look like in detail:

You can meet so many people

From Monday there are meetings with up to five Friends, family and acquaintances from two different households are allowed. Couples are considered one household. Children up to 14 years old are not counted. Until now, only one person from another household was allowed to invite.

In regions with a seven-day incidence of fewer than 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, this can extend to as many as ten people and even three households. This does not apply to children up to 14 years of age.

If the incidence of seven days per 100,000 inhabitants increases to more than 100 in three days in a row, the old and strict rules are applied again.

These are the five initial steps

Opening step 1

The first opening step has already been partially completed. Elementary schools and kindergartens were opened in several federal states at least with restrictions, and hair salons have been back to work since the beginning of the week.

Opening step 2

Bookstores, florists and garden centers May open on Monday. The prerequisite is that the number of clients remains limited. Specifically, this means: one customer for every ten square meters for the first 800 square meters of sales area and another for every additional 20 square meters. Some federal states had already advanced here. The opening of so-called body closure service companies is also allowed, as well as driving and flying schools. Prerequisite: If a mask cannot be permanently worn, there must be a daily quick test and a test concept for the staff.

Opening step 3

With a seven-day stable incidence of fewer than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a region or country, further relaxation is possible: retail can then be capped at one customer per ten square meters for the first 800 meters sales squares. area and one open to another for every additional 20 square meters.

Then museums, galleries, zoological and botanical gardens, as well as memorials can be opened, and outdoor non-contact sports are allowed in small groups (up to ten people).

With a steady or declining seven-day incidence of less than 100 new infections per 100,000 residents, retail can open with fixed purchase dates. The so-called purchase by appointment offers (“click and meet”) stipulate that a customer for every 40 square meters of sales area can buy within a certain period of time after registering.

Museums, galleries, zoological and botanical gardens, as well as memorials can be visited during this opening step, if guests have booked an appointment in advance. Individual sports are allowed with a maximum of five people from two households and group sports of up to 20 children up to 14 years are also allowed outdoors at the outdoor sports facilities.

If the seven-day incidence exceeds 100, the old rules (until March 7) take effect again: the so-called emergency brake goes into effect.

Opening step 4

If the seven-day incidence in the country or region has not worsened for 14 days after the third opening step and remains below 50, then the following easing takes effect: open-air restaurants are allowed to open, theaters, opera and concert theaters and cinemas. Non-contact sport is also allowed indoors, contact sport outdoors.

With a stable seven-day incidence below 100, the country can plan more openings 14 days after the third opening step: you are only allowed to go to the theater or cinema with a daily negative corona rapid test. The inauguration of outdoor catering it is possible for visitors with an appointment, people from various households are sitting at a table, a daily test is required. Non-contact sport is possible indoors, as well as contact sports outdoors, as long as everyone has done a quick test.

If the incidence increases again to more than 100, the Emergency break and the old strict lockdown rules apply.

Opening step 5

If the seven-day incidence remains stable below 50 for two weeks, the next openings may come. Leisure events with up to 50 people This includes outdoor and contact sports in the hallways.

If there is a stable or decreasing seven-day incidence of less than 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the country or region, the federal state can open points of sale at the national or regional level 14 days after the fourth opening step. Indoor non-contact sports and outdoor contact sports are also possible.

What role do rapid tests play?

The widespread use of rapid corona tests is critical for relaxation. Everyone should have the right to one free rapid corona test per week Arrive. In a previous version, the possibility of offering two free quick tests per week was considered. The federal government will assume the costs starting March 8.

Testing should be possible in communal testing centers, but also by physicians in private practice. Routine testing should also be used in business, as well as in Schools and kindergartens give. Under the resolution, the federal states ensure that school and daycare staff, as well as all students, receive at least one free quick test per week of attendance. “As far as possible, the test result should be certified.” The federal government wants to consult with companies this week about company testing.

It is unclear how many tests are actually available and have been ordered. The test strategy should go up in early April to be gradually implemented. Health Minister Jens Spahn is being criticized for having promised tests earlier.

What about vaccines?

By the end of the current calendar week, more than eleven million doses of vaccines are said to have been delivered to countries. According to the decision, up to 200,000 vaccinations are carried out every day. The federal and state governments agreed that family physicians will soon be vaccinating as well. Health Minister Jens Spahn wants to start a pilot phase starting next week. In late March / early April, general practitioners will participate in the vaccination campaign.

Whats Next?

The next summit on March 22 will discuss the opening of hotels, the possibility of travel and rest in the catering industry.

More vaccinations and tests allow you to relax

Angela Tesch, ARD Berlin, 3.3.2021 · 14:21
