Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier: “The situation is extremely serious”


In Germany, public life is largely closed. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has a clear opinion on the current restrictions.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has been convinced that the crisis in the crown can be overcome with mutual solidarity and consideration. “The next few weeks are a test for all of us,” the head of state said in a short speech in Berlin on Monday. “We are a strong country because many people are there for each other in this difficult crisis and are capable of overcoming themselves.

The federal president emphasized that the next few weeks will be a stressful time for many people. “Restrictions jeopardize economic livelihoods, make you feel lonely and depress your mood.” At the same time, he emphasized: “We are not at the mercy of the virus.” It is up to the individual – “and we know what to do”.

“Celebrations can be recovered”

Looking ahead to Christmas, Steinmeier added: “The celebrations can be compensated, friends and family will also be happy to receive a gift later.” Now it is about maintaining health and saving lives.

The federal president expressly supported the measures adopted by the federal and state governments for a harsh lockdown starting Wednesday. The situation is “very serious”, there are thousands of deaths in a week. It won’t work without more cuts. The efforts made so far have not been enough.

“You have to act more consistently”

“We have to act more consistently,” Steinmeier said. This applies to political action at all levels. But also “everyone has to wonder what else I can do to protect myself and others.” The goal should be to reduce the number of infections as quickly as possible and keep them at a low level. Contacts had to be radically limited, that had to be done quickly and completely.

At the same time, Steinmeier was convinced that the first vaccines would be approved in Germany in December and that vaccines could start right after the New Year. To those who would rather not hear anything more about Corona, he said: “Let’s think about those at risk, the sick, those who fight for their lives in intensive care units.” Doctors and nurses fought the virus to exhaustion and also put their own health at risk, stressed the federal president.

The prime ministers of the federal states and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) agreed on Sunday that to largely close public life from Wednesday. Then far-reaching measures go into effect, such as the closure of stores and the closure of schools and daycare centers. These measures are initially limited to January 10.
