Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn sees little chance for celebrations in the winter months


Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn also expects severe restrictions due to the corona pandemic beyond current measures in November.

“We must manage together to spend this winter in general with lower numbers at a lower level,” said the CDU politician on information radio rbb regarding the infection numbers.

He doesn’t see events with more than 10 to 15 people like Christmas parties or other socializations “this winter,” Spahn said. If the number of infections decreases, “that does not mean that from December or January things can start again everywhere with wedding celebrations or Christmas parties as usual. The situation requires patience: “This virus has very long slip marks.”

Spahn called the plans for the first Christmas holidays in North Rhine-Westphalia “a pragmatic approach that can be discussed and taken.” Spahn did not want to make a recommendation, that was a matter for the country, also in view of the respective infection situation.

Previous winter holidays in NRW, and possibly also in Baden-Württemberg

North Rhine-Westphalia announced on Wednesday that it wanted to advance the winter holidays by two days. Therefore, the last day of school is not December 22, but December 18.

Baden-Württemberg Education Minister Susanne Eisenmann (CDU) wants the decision to be made up to the schools and asks them to extend the Christmas holidays by two more days with flexible holidays. “That’s certainly a smart approach, for which there is a lot,” said Eisenmann of “Südwest Presse”. There is probably no uniform line in the state.

“Please urgently do not travel at Christmas”

Eisenmann advised families not to use the time until the end of the holidays in January for a vacation. “I urge you not to travel on Christmas, but to stay home,” said the CDU’s top candidate for the 2021 state elections.

“What is very important to me is that parents, children, teachers and educators can plan,” said Health Minister Spahn. The spring, with facilities closed for months, when no one knew exactly when they would reopen, was “a real hard drag on everyone.”

Icon: The mirror
