Federal Government on the Corona situation: “The moment now is crucial”


Increasing numbers, numerous critical points, more hospitalizations: the federal government considers the situation of the crown in Germany serious. The good news, however, is that countermeasures can still be taken, government spokesman Seibert said.

The federal government is concerned about the growing number of new corona infections in Germany. “The situation is dire,” government spokesman Steffen Seibert said at a press conference following the Corona cabinet meeting. Germany is at the beginning of the second wave. Sometimes there are already more difficult cases in which the intensive care units of hospitals have to be used. “Everyone in the federal government agrees: Now is the time to decide if we can successfully counter this development.”

The goal must remain to trace the contacts of the infected and break the chains of infection. In this context, Seibert defended the strong focus on the number of new infections. Although they do not describe the entire infection process, they are the measure of the health authorities’ efficiency.

Controversial issue of the accommodation ban

On Wednesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet with the prime ministers of the federal states. “We can only take countermeasures if everyone is determined to act together,” Seibert said. However, the good news is that he has not passed out and countermeasures are still possible.

The controversial accommodation ban will also be a topic at the meeting. Seibert pointed out that the head of the Chancellery, Helge Braun, had justified the controversial accommodation bans as a “true emergency measure.” The government spokesman emphasized that the accommodation ban is a matter of federal state measures. The Chancellor will listen to the arguments of all parties. Then you will have to discuss what is the correct approach in terms of the main task, so as not to let the infection process get out of control.

Understanding of citizens’ questions

According to Seibert, the federal government understands that citizens have questions about it. At the same time, he described as “not completely incomprehensible” if a region with “very, very low incidence of cases” wanted to protect itself.

Most of the 16 federal states had agreed that travelers from areas with more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants can only stay in a hotel if they present a current corona test. This regulation is criticized for being disproportionate. It was also noted that travelers can take advantage of testing capabilities that are used elsewhere.

Deutschlandfunk reported on this topic in the news on October 12, 2020 at 1 pm
