Federal Government: Free FFP2 Masks for Seniors 60+


The federal government wants to equip more than 27 million citizens with good protection FFP2 masks. The first masks must be delivered to people over 60 and risk groups before Christmas.

In the fight against the further spread of the corona virus, the federal government wants to equip more than 27 million German citizens with mouth and nose masks that protect well. People aged 60 and over or with previous illnesses should each receive 15 FFP2 masks starting in mid-December. Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) said the issue will begin in December to reduce the risk of infection during the Christmas season.

First three free skins

As a first step, people over 60 and people with previous illnesses or high-risk pregnancies should be able to get three free masks at the pharmacy. To do this, the presentation of an identity card or information on belonging to a risk group should suffice. According to the Spahn Ministry, this regulation must apply to festival weeks and will be valid until December 31st. Spahn’s department regulation on masks will go into effect on December 15.

Of the New Year with own contribution

These people should receive twelve such masks starting in the New Year. In return, they receive two counterfeit-proof coupons for six masks each from their health insurance companies. They should be able to redeem them in pharmacies in the two mentioned periods in the new year. However, a copayment of two euros must be made for each coupon redeemed. The federal government is paying 2.5 billion euros for the measure. A mask costs 6 euros.

From 60 years or risk groups

People living in Germany who have reached the age of 60 or have one of the following diseases or risk factors should be entitled: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or bronchial asthma, chronic heart or kidney failure, cerebrovascular disease, especially stroke, diabetes mellitus type 2, active, progressive, or metastatic cancer, a therapy that can affect the immune system, an organ or stem cell transplant, or a high-risk pregnancy.

Health insurance companies verify your details and then send coupons. FFP2 masks are particularly effective in filtering particles from inhaled or exhaled air. By testing, they must have filtered at least 94 percent of the test aerosols.

Spahn, however, urges caution

However, Spahn cautioned that care must be taken: “Even FFP2 masks do not offer 100 percent protection against the corona virus. But they greatly reduce the risk of infection.” Now that more and more of these masks are manufactured in Germany, the demand can be met mainly by domestic production.

NDR Info reported on this issue on December 9, 2020 at 3:17 pm
