Federal Government Financing: Better Air Against Corona


The federal government is investing up to 500 million euros in improving ventilation systems. The funding guidelines that ARD capital study is available, goes into effect tomorrow. But there is no money for every building.

By Daniel Pokraka, ARD capital studio

Autumn is here, winter is coming, the risk of corona increases: aerosols containing viruses, the smallest liquid particles in the air, have it easier than in summer because everyone is more often in closed rooms again. And since it’s colder outside, the window stays closed more often. Sprays have it easy.

Poorly ventilated rooms

The leaders of the CDU, CSU and SPD had this scenario in mind when the coalition committee decided in August, that is, in the middle of summer, a financing program to modernize the air conditioning systems.

Even then, the coalition was convinced that Corona spreads particularly well in closed rooms, especially when the air conditioning systems do not bring fresh air into the room, but instead spin stale air. For example, the Union and the SPD provided 500 million euros to improve the air in public buildings, for this year and next. The corresponding funding guidelines are now ready, will be published today in the Official Gazette of the Federation and will go into effect tomorrow. Dem ARD capital study is available exclusively.

State money only for existing systems

Consequently, ventilation systems that supply air to entire buildings or at least floors are financed. The systems should ventilate rooms where large groups of people regularly gather. There is no money for new systems, but rather to modernize and upgrade existing ambient air systems, for example with filters that improve the air to reduce the risk of infection. For the Federal Ministry of the Economy it is important that the conversion work is carried out quickly.

At the request, the House of Minister Peter Altmaier announced that modernizing existing systems would take less time and require less planning than installing new systems. That is why there is no funding for new plants. In contrast, eligible retrofits include CO2 sensors that indicate when a room has run out of air. For them, there is as much money from the financing fund as for the creation of ventilation concepts.

The first funding requests have been received

Federal states and municipalities in particular can request funds from the federal government for public buildings such as theaters and museums, for university classrooms or school auditoriums. 40 percent of the costs are covered and up to 100,000 euros per ventilation system. According to its own information, the Federal Ministry of the Economy has already received the first inquiries; “Several inquiries about the funding program” had been received. Schools are likely to be a fringe issue, having to do with the fact that only existing ventilation systems are funded.

The Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Education said that at the request of the ARD capital studies, there were very few facilities with the corresponding systems. Most schools in Rhineland-Palatinate, or their providers, would not benefit from the funding guidelines. In any case, there is no funding for private buildings and gathering places, that was the coalition committee’s resolution in August.

The Ministry of Economy refers to the size of the funding pot of 500 million euros and explains that it was necessary to “specify the target group.” Therefore, the focus was on public buildings, where experience has shown that there are larger gatherings of people with greater fluctuation.

Possible extension of the financing program

However, the Altmaier Ministry may envisage broadening the pool of potential grant recipients if the guide’s assessment shows that this makes sense. The ministry wants to be kept informed about the funding program on an ongoing basis.
