Federal and State Governments Advise on Crown Lockdown | NDR.de – news


Status: 13.12.2020 10:02 am

The federal and state governments have been talking about new restrictions in the fight against the corona virus since 10 a.m. The Lower Saxony state government has spoken out in favor of uniform rules at the national level.

Due to the growing number of cases, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the country’s 16 leaders are supposed to agree to stricter measures. In the run-up, there was talk of a so-called nationwide lockdown that will take effect from Wednesday. According to information from the ARD capital study, the federal states governed by the CDU and the green region of Baden-Württemberg agree that the strict lockdown should be applied from Wednesday at the latest.

Althusmann would like to work together

Therefore, they propose that only grocery stores, pharmacies and gas stations remain open. According to constant media reports, the SPD-led federal states also want to speak out in favor of a quick shutdown. It is still a matter of controversy whether schools and daycare centers should be closed and whether contact restrictions will be tightened even more at Christmas. Lower Saxony’s Economy Minister Bernd Althusmann (CDU) had previously advocated for a joint approach of all countries. He thinks retail will have to close a few days before Christmas, Althusmann said. To avoid panic buying, these measures should be carried out in advance.

People with shopping bags.  Photo: Henning Kaiser

AUDIO: Northern retail trade warns of lockdown (1 min)

Commerce fears crowds if it closes quickly

Althusmann and Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) had a video conference with trade representatives on Friday, including the executive director of the Lower Saxony-Bremen trade association, Mark Alexander Krack. Speak out against a harsh short-term lockdown. This could generate large crowds in front of stores and in the city center. The longer the retail store stays open, the more uniform the events become. Krack asked for a long-term roadmap that traders could use as a guide. Althusmann also supported this. Prospects and a plan must be developed for the period starting in January, but the infection process must first be broken, the minister said. This is only possible with a lock.

Last day of shopping for now?

Meanwhile, many people in Lower Saxony and Bremen have taken the opportunity to go shopping for Christmas due to discussions about closing business on Saturday. “Compared to the previous weeks, you can tell that more people have been there,” Krack said. But this should not hide the fact that sales before the third Advent of this year would be 40 to 50 percent lower than the previous year.

More information

Virologist Christian Drosten speaks at an event in Emsland.  © NDR

At an event in Meppen, virologist Christian Drosten explained what criteria count in the classification. (01.11.2020) more

Is there a threat of triage in clinics at Christmas?

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) received 321 more deaths and 20,200 new infections nationwide in one day. The peak was reached on Friday with 598 deaths and 29,875 reported cases. In Lower Saxony, the State Health Office (NLGA) reported 1,339 new infections yesterday. Another 30 people have died with or from the virus. Doctors warn of a dramatic situation in German hospitals at Christmas and the so-called triage, that is, the weighing of which patient can still be adequately treated in intensive care. According to the Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI), there will be an average of 30,000 new infections per day in the next two weeks and 420,000 people infected by Christmas. Since some of them show severe disease processes, it may no longer be possible for all appropriate intensive medical care. The virologist from Lower Saxony made a decision on how to do this Christian Drosten explained at an event in Emsland in early November.

“Lock”, “Turn off”, “Exit”: new things in everyday language

Strategy of “closure”, “closure”, “exit”: the vocabulary of the corona pandemic is sometimes interspersed with Anglicisms and transports new words into everyday language. Translation doesn’t always get to the core of the original term, explains Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus, head of the Lexics department at the Leibniz Institute for the German Language in Mannheim.

Lock “,” Shutdown “and” Exit “
The terms are taken from English and designate a state of regional isolation or containment for security reasons (closure) or the closure of a store or factory (closure) that is not defined in more detail in terms of time. The term “exit” is the English term for “exit” or “emergency exit”. In relation to the corona pandemic, “Exit” refers to the termination of “lockdown” or “closure” measures, that is, a way out of social stagnation.

Introduction to everyday language
Since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, words have been borrowed from a state for which full sentences in German are required, according to Klosa-Kückelhaus: The closure or paralysis of private, public and / or economic life to contain the infection process. So far, these uses have only been observed for the corona pandemic. To consolidate these meanings in general language, it should be used in other contexts.

More information

A clear container with many round indentations is shown in a laboratory.  © Picture Alliance Photo: Fredrik Sandberg

So far, 84,322 infections have been recorded in Lower Saxony, 1,139 more than the previous day. plus

A man in a mask fills a mug with mulled wine.  © picture-alliance Photo: EIBNER / DROFITSCH

The ban already applies as of today, as announced by the State Chancellery. The country tightens the rules again. (12/12/2020) more

A sign indicates the existing mask requirement and the distance requirement.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photography: Hauke-Christian Dittrich / dpa

Calls for a uniform confinement are increasing. Another federal-state meeting is due today. plus

Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) covers his mouth and nose in the state parliament.  © dpa Photo: Julian Stratenschulte

The state government is withdrawing the relaxation for New Year’s Eve, as the Prime Minister announced on Thursday. plus

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

Today the federal and state governments are discussing stricter rules. 20,200 new infections were reported nationwide. More news about the crown on the live ticker. plus

Virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (Editing) © picture alliance / dpa, University Hospital Frankfurt Photo: Christophe Gateau,

Here you will find all the episodes streamed so far to read and listen to, as well as a scientific glossary and much more. plus

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 12/12/2020 | 8:00 am

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