Fear of division: GroKo wants to ban privileges for vaccinated people


Fear of division
GroKo wants to ban privileges for vaccinated people

On the plane only with proof of immunity? You do not have access to the restaurant without the yellow vaccination certificate? The grand coalition fears that people not vaccinated against the coronavirus could suffer disadvantages in the future. The law must now end this.

Right-wing grand coalition politicians are considering a legal ban on special rights for citizens with corona vaccines. The SPD parliamentary group is examining legal measures “how unequal treatment of unvaccinated and vaccinated people by the private sector could be excluded,” said “Welt” spokesman for the legal political group Johannes Fechner.

The SPD politician warned that it is unacceptable that airlines only take vaccinated people with them or that restaurants deny access to unvaccinated people. Such preferential treatment for vaccinated people “would lead to divisions in society.”

CSU regional group legal policy spokesman Volker Ullrich told “Welt”: “The state is already subject to a blanket prohibition on discrimination.” Therefore, from the outset it is forbidden to distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated people, for example on local public transport. In the private sector, by contrast, there is a regulatory gap “that we have to address,” Ullrich emphasized.

The spokesman for the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, Sebastian Bickerich, told the same newspaper that the General Law on Equal Treatment does not yet offer unvaccinated people any means to combat possible unequal treatment in everyday business. If the legislator wanted to take precautions so that unvaccinated people would not suffer disadvantages, he would have to “regulate it in concrete terms”.

The Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, and the Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, had previously spoken out against the privileges for citizens with corona vaccination. Vaccines against the corona virus had started throughout Germany over the weekend. Nationwide, most older people and people in need of care received the first syringes with the vaccine from the Mainz company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer.
