FDP: Kubicki describes Merkel’s appeal as an “act of desperation”


Germany Criticisms of FDP

Kubicki describes Merkel’s appeal as an “act of desperation”

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This is how the Germans respond to the Chancellor’s appeal

Chancellor Merkel has urged German citizens to limit their contacts and refrain from traveling. Most Germans react cautiously, but do not want to limit themselves completely.

The Chancellor’s call to voluntarily stay home is an “act of desperation,” according to FDP politician Wolfgang Kubicki. Instead of emotional appeals, parliament must ultimately intervene in the management of the crown. The approval also comes from the CDU.

meA different warning call from Bundestag Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki: “If we, as parliament, do not fulfill our task now, democracy will be permanently damaged. It is the task of parliament to make essential decisions, and not of the members of the government, “said the FDP politician on Sunday night in the talk” Bild “” The right questions.

Essential decisions to combat the corona pandemic cannot always be made by the federal and state governments; the Bundestag must also participate, he said.

SPD legal expert Florian Post also complained about the lack of participation of parliament in decisions to fight the crown.

“For almost nine months, the federal, state and local governments have been issuing ordinances restricting people’s freedoms in an unprecedented way in post-war Germany without even an elected parliament having voted for them once,” says Post. . the newspaper “Bild”.

The union parliamentary group Vice Carsten Linnemann (CDU) spoke of a “worrying development”. “Parliament must again demand its role as legislator with more confidence and then fulfill it,” said Linnemann “Bild”.

Not just infection numbers, Lindner demands other parameters

Kubicki, who is also deputy director of the FDP, also criticized Chancellor Angela Merkel’s call for citizens to show more discipline in the Corona crisis. In his weekly video message he warned: “I ask you: Refrain from any trip that is not really necessary, any celebration that is really not necessary. Please stay home whenever possible at your place of residence. “

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Kubicki described this as an “act of desperation” and an invitation to “voluntary shutdown.” “The Chancellor is not the one who can simply order how we should behave. Anyone who feels they must follow these words should. But anyone who has the feeling that they can continue to live in a different way should do so as well, ”Kubicki emphasized.

He received the support of party leader Christian Lindner: he asked not always to look at the number of infections in view of the current situation in Corona. There are experts who would also consider other parameters, such as the situation in the doctor’s office or in the case of inpatient hospital care, he said Sunday night in the ARD’s “Berlin report”.

Also, younger people are currently infected. “It would be a red alert if people living in nursing homes and nursing homes were affected first.” Fortunately, that is not the case currently.

Scheuer sees the chancellor as “emotional” like never before

“In this sense, I advise caution, but we should not over-dramatize either. I can only say: a curfew would be completely disproportionate, “Lindner said, adding,” By the way, I also consider it disproportionate if the police suddenly called a small private party for ten people because the neighbors suddenly acted as complaints. “

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14.10.2020, Berlin: Markus Söder (CSU), Prime Minister of Bavaria, wears nose and mouth protection at the end of a press conference after a meeting with the Prime Ministers of the federal states and Chancellor Merkel on the increasing number of infections and other measures of the crown.  Photo: Stefanie Loos / AFP POOL / dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++ |  Use all over the world

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Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer took the chancellor under protection. “The Chancellor has appealed to be sensible now. Nothing more and nothing less, “said the CSU politician in the” Bild “talk. Merkel does not want a second blockade, the development of the crown drives her “professionally” and “emotionally”.
