FC Bayern: Now the next Zoff threatens between Flick and Brazzo: it’s a transfer


Hansi Flick (left) and Hasan Salihamidzic apparently don’t have the best relationship.

© Imago-Images / Stefan Matzke / sampics

Bayern are not really going to rest. Rumors about Hanis Flick as Löw’s successor are persistent; now could come the next dispute with Hasan Salihamidzic.

Munich – Until two weeks ago, the people of Säbener Strasse were very confident that they could shape an era with Hansi Flick. But then Joachim Löw announced his retirement as national coach, and it was the ideal world at Bayern.

Of course, there is no doubt that the FCB manager’s lack of denial when asked about his ambitions for the position of national coach contributed to this. However, now more and more disagreements are emerging between Flick and sports director Hasan Salihamidzic. Both have made no secret of the fact that their cooperation can only be described as “professional” in the past.

FC Bayern: Now the next Zoff threatens between Flick and Brazzo: transfer plan is the reason

Now the next stress test between Flick and Brazzo could arrive! The FCB coach obviously has nothing against Alexander Nübel being awarded like this after this season picture write. Salihamidzic does not think it is great, because he insists that the substitute goalkeeper stay.

Unhappy: Brazzo had promised Nübel at least ten games in the season when he signed his contract, without having discussed this with coach Hansi Flick. In turn, he sees no reason to give an outstanding Manuel Neuer a break, even if there is nothing left to do (for example, in the last match of the CL group).

FC Bayern: Kahn has to mediate again, will the dispute ever be resolved?

Now we must ask Oliver Kahn again. The board’s chairman-designate had to mediate between Flick and Brazzo in late 2020. In the meantime, there should even be internal doubts as to whether the two fighters can continue to work together successfully. Is that why Flick is holding back with a clear commitment to FC Bayern and not just referring to his contract term?

In the meantime, one thing is for sure: it will definitely not be boring at FC Bayern in the coming weeks. Those involved will take care of that. (smk)
