FC Bayern: Flick attacks politicians


In sporting terms, everything is going according to plan at Bayern Munich.

The Club World Cup title was won on Thursday, on Monday coach Hansi Flick’s team will play again in the Bundesliga against Arminia Bielefeld, and with another success they can take the next step towards the ninth consecutive championship. (Bundesliga: FC Bayern Munich – Arminia Bielefeld from 8:30 p.m. in LIVETICKER)

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So everything is fine on Flick? Not at all.

When he was at the press conference before the game against Ostwestfalen von SPORT1 When the political criticism of the trip to Qatar was addressed, Flick was clear: “I think you can no longer listen to all the Corona experts so slowly. Mr. Lauterbach always has something to say, always a topic he talks about answers” . I think so-called experts and politicians should sit down and develop a strategy so that one day a light will be seen in the tunnel. “

Flick criticizes Lauterbach – who fights back?

Flicks’ criticism was directed directly at SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach, who SPORT1-The interview was fundamental.

“We rightly advise citizens against any unnecessary travel abroad and international football simply ignores these rules. Citizens do not want double standards just because it involves millions in television broadcasts,” Lauterbach said.

Lauterbach later justified his statements via Twitter. “The ‘so-called experts’ speak out because journalists are asking for their opinion. If Hansi Flick disagrees, he should simply present his arguments,” Lauterbach replied. You don’t have to be an expert for that. His call to Flick: “As an amateur athlete, I say: don’t be unfair!”

The Club World Cup was a wish of FC Bayern

Flick defended the controversial trip to Qatar.

“The trip to Qatar is our job. It is one thing we have to do.” The Club World Cup looks very different around the world. The opponents were incredibly motivated because they could compete with the best of the best. “It’s the same with us. We really wanted it and we accepted it.” (Service: Bundesliga box)

But was it really something the triple winner had to do? at SPORT1-Interview in early February, CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge presented the matter a little differently.

“It was not in vain that the team and the coach came to me when FIFA thought about not allowing the tournament to take place this season because of Corona,” Rummenigge said. The team asked him to contact Gianni Infantino and try to get the tournament to take place.

Would the tournament really have taken place if the record champions had canceled their participation? From a sporting point of view, the journey is completely understandable. After all, how often do you get a chance to win six titles in one year? Until now, only FC Barcelona had succeeded in 2009. In society, however, the record champions’ approach received some harsh criticism.

Despite the infection, Müller is allowed to go home

And even on the outward journey, the winner of the Champions League did not put a good image.

When the plane in Berlin failed to take off last Friday for missing the deadline and Bayern professionals had to spend the night on the plane, Rummenigge and the honorary president Uli Hoeneß attacked those responsible with clear words.

“We feel totally ripped off by the authorities in charge of Brandenburg politics,” rummenigge roared at the picture. Hoeneß spoke in BR of an “endless scandal”.

What privileges Bayern have compared to the rest of society became clear in the case of Thomas Müller. The 31-year-old, who tested positive for the corona virus shortly before the final, was allowed to fly back despite a known infection, on a private jet and wearing a full-body protective suit.

Müller did not break the rules, but Lauterbach said: “Normally, a trip with a known infection would of course be unthinkable.” (Service: Bundesliga results and calendar)

Politics sees a special role for football

But not everything is normal in football. “It is completely indisputable that football has a special role,” sports committee president Dagmar said on Friday. Deutschlandfunk.

Flick emphasized this, but also accused politicians of criticizing out of self-interest. “I have the feeling that everyone wants to make their profit out of the situation, how can they increase the percentage points before the next election? Currently, this goes far beyond the issue of what their job is,” he complained. However, he explicitly excluded Chancellor Angela Merkel from his criticism.

Even if the appearance of Flick was not only due to criticism, like the whole trip to Qatar, it was anything but well received in the less privileged parts of the public.
