Extraordinary vaccination announcement: pilot “paints” syringe in the sky


Exceptional vaccination advertising
Pilot “paints” syringe in the sky

In a few days the time will have come: in Germany vaccinations against the coronavirus will begin. A young driver from Baden-Württemberg draws attention to this, in a creative way.

To draw attention to the possibility of corona vaccination, a young syringe-shaped pilot was in the sky over Baden-Württemberg. The flight data records show the perfect image of the medical device.

The 20-year-old pilot from a Friedrichshafen air sports club wanted to draw people’s attention to the possible corona vaccination recently, said Frank Fischer of the air sports club. The flight spanned hundreds of kilometers between Friedrichshafen and Ulm and the young pilot planned the route with precision.

The trajectories of public and private air traffic can be consulted on various websites on the Internet. Pilots use this fact over and over again to create images with their trajectories, which can only be recognized from the recordings.

A spokesperson for the website Flightradar24, which shows the flight path, said there was no way to change the data later. In recent years there has been an increase in these types of sky paintings, especially by pilots of smaller aircraft.
