Extension of the crown lock until the end of January?


Corona: Will the blockade last until the end of January?

The corona infection figures in Germany are still at a high level. What that means for anti-crown measures.

Spahn: We are still very far from normal.

In view of the high number of Corona cases in Germany, the Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, has insisted on the seriousness of the situation.

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Sedan. What happens on January 11? Schools, stores and cinemas can reopen Relaxations after almost four weeks of confinement? At the beginning of the week, the heads of country want to assess the infection situation with the Chancellor and decide how things will continue after January 10. Yet three days before the new federal-state change conference, it is already becoming clear: German citizens must prepare for tough measures at least by the end of January.

The problem: At the moment, no one can say for sure if the hard lock is already working. The current figures are only partially reliable. During the Christmas holidays and at the end of the year fewer people go to the doctor, fewer tests are performed. The health authorities only report the figures late on Sundays and holidays. And: Many experts anticipate an increase in infections from private parties on Christmas and New Year’s Eve, which will only be reflected in the data after a few days.

More than 5,600 patients with crown in intensive care units

The number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care units had increased significantly again after Christmas days, so far more than 5,600 seriously ill. One thing is clear: the goal of 50 cases per week per 100,000 inhabitants is still miles away. On Friday, the Robert Koch Institute reported 22,924 new corona infections and 553 new deaths. On Saturday there were 12,690 new infections and 336 new deaths in 24 hours.

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Several heads of country have remained in a longer lock a: I was “very skeptical about opening the prospect of openings from January 10,” Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said on New Year’s Day. The goal should be to reduce the numbers in a “sustainable” way. The mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller (SPD), current president of the Prime Minister’s Conference, even puts a tougher on the line: “If the number of infections remains that high, then I suppose we will at least expand these measures that we have now. “

According to a report in the daily “Bild”, representatives of the Foreign Ministry and the federal states have already agreed to extend the closure for at least two or three weeks. According to a report by the “FAS”, the federal states agreed on the planned extension of the crown restrictions beyond January 10, but not the duration. The heads of state chancelleries could not have agreed in a conference call on Saturday afternoon whether the extension should be decided initially for two or three weeks, the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” reports, citing the participants.

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Crown lock: doctors ask for an extension

Doctor urgently demand an extension of lockdown measures and warn against losing sight of the 1950s incidence target: “There is no room to breathe in clinics: the burden of caring for Covid-19 patients is also on the The holidays just kept increasing, ”Marburger Bund Physicians Union President Susanne Johna told this editorial team.

“The health system is in dire need of relief that can only be achieved by expanding measures to limit contact. Otherwise, we will not be able to control the situation ”. With all the optimism about the start of vaccination, it should be clear that the vaccine can hardly be expected to reduce the risk of infection, at least in the first three months of the new year, Johna said.

Crown mutation: occurrences below 50 major target

The one that also appeared in Germany new highly infectious virus variant show how important it is to achieve incidences of less than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in 7 days. Before the prime ministers’ meeting, Johna called for “an extension of the contact restrictions in the most uniform way possible.”

Read here: After a visit from Nicolas – 26 deaths by crown in the nursing home

The doctor does not believe in the proposal to change the corona strategy and only protect risk groups: “The more than 20 million people in advanced age or with previous illnesses can only be protected consistently if the virus is transmitted to all the population decreases. “

In any case, however, countries remain divided over schools. A common line should be sought at a conference of ministers of education on Monday. But that will be difficult: Baden-Württemberg, for example, wants to restart classroom teaching as soon as possible, while other countries are already preparing to extend school closings at least until mid-January.

Crown – More information on the subject

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