Experts have set off a bomb in Kiel | – news


Status: 01.10.2020 8:14 pm

According to police, the dud had a long-lasting chemical detonator and was therefore particularly dangerous. Shortly before 8 pm, the operations directorate announced that the bomb had been blown up in Oppendorfer Strasse.

The explosion was much quieter than expected. In the afternoon, the police assumed that he would be heard widely. The munitions disposal service is now checking for fragment damage in the vicinity of the bomb.

30,000 liters of water as a “buffer” of chips

Before detonation, two 15,000 liter water pillows were placed over the bomb. You must put out a possible fire and minimize the effects of the fragments. The bomb was discovered during an aerial photography evaluation. It was about twenty feet deep. According to the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service, the detonation of the British 250-kilogram aerial bomb could not be prevented due to the detonator.

Federal Highway 502 was also affected

The police had established a security zone within a radius of about 1,000 meters from the scene. All residents had to leave their homes. According to police spokesman Matthias Felsch, at least 2,000 people were affected. In addition, the family market and a facility for the elderly were cleared. The Toni Jensen School and the Augustental School Center were available as emergency shelters. Among other things, federal highway 502 was affected by road closures, causing a one kilometer traffic jam on the alternate route between Heikendorf and Mönkeberg.

This article will be continually updated.

Additional Information

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NDR 1 Welle Nord | Schleswig-Holstein News | 01.10.2020 | 3:00 pm.

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