Evidence gathered: Hamburg researchers: Corona comes from the lab


Evidence gathered
Hamburg researchers: Corona comes from the lab

By Friederike Zörner

It is not a test. But a Hamburg nanoscientist has been collecting evidence from various sources for months and comes to a clear judgment: the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 escaped in a laboratory accident. The pandemic is not a natural disaster.

The Sars-CoV-2 pathogen is not naturally occurring, but has been artificially produced in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. This is the conclusion of the Hamburg nano-scientist Roland Wiesendanger. In one study, he said he collected evidence from various scientific publications, media articles, conversations with colleagues, and social media contributions over a period from January to December 2020. “In summary, it can be said that there is a great deal of evidence suggesting that a laboratory accident at the ‘Wuhan Institute of Virology’ is by far the most likely cause of the corona pandemic, “the document says.

A press release from the University of Hamburg states that the study does not provide any highly scientific evidence, but it does provide numerous serious evidence. Wiesendanger lists several factors that, in his opinion, speak against the widely accepted theory that the Sars-Cov-2 pathogen originates in bats and was transmitted to humans via an intermediate host in late 2019.

On the one hand, unlike previous coronavirus-related epidemics such as Sars and Mers, to date no intermediate host has been identified that could have allowed the described transmission route of the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 from bats to humans. . Therefore, the “theory of zoonosis” as a possible explanation for the pandemic does not have a solid scientific basis.

On the other hand, today’s “new” coronaviruses could couple surprisingly well to human cell receptors and penetrate human cells. “This is made possible by special cellular receptor-binding domains connected to a special cleavage site (furin) of the coronavirus spike protein,” the press release says. Both properties combined are hitherto unknown in coronaviruses and indicate a non-natural origin and modification of the pathogen Sars-CoV-2.

“Major security flaws” in the Wuhan lab

As an additional point, the physicist points out that bats, which have been shown to carry a number of coronaviruses, are not even offered at the animal market in central Wuhan, which is considered the starting point of the pandemic. By contrast, the metropolis’ virological institute has one of the “largest collections of bat pathogens in the world, originating from faraway caves in the southern provinces of China.” Wiesendanger concludes that it is extremely unlikely that the bats would have reached Wuhan naturally from this distance of almost 2,000 kilometers, “only to trigger a global pandemic in the vicinity of this virological institute.”

Rather, the Hamburg study sheds light on the fact that genetic manipulations on coronaviruses have been performed at the institute in question for many years. The goal was to make viruses more contagious, dangerous, and deadly to humans. Even before the outbreak of the pandemic, “significant security deficiencies” were documented at the facility. Therefore, the scientist seems likely that there has been an accident and a related outbreak of the virus.

As further evidence of the laboratory origin, the author lists a young scientist from the Wuhan Virological Institute who is said to have been infected first. There are also numerous indications that the pathogen had already spread from the virological institute in October 2019. That would justify why Sars-CoV-2 could also be retrospectively detected in November 2019 in Europe. Furthermore, Wiesendanger writes about indications of a corresponding investigation of the virological institute by the Chinese authorities in the first half of October 2019.

The Hamburg professor concludes from this and other evidence that there is no scientifically sound basis to claim that the current pandemic was caused by a zoonosis. As a result, it is inappropriate to speak of a “natural disaster” at this time. Rather, there is a wealth of evidence to suggest that a laboratory accident at the “Wuhan Institute of Virology” is by far the most likely cause of the corona pandemic. “In this case, it would not be a ‘natural disaster’ but a human-made tragedy,” Wiesendanger writes.

Warning of even greater risk potential

Wiesendanger told the “Bild” newspaper about his motivation: “Scientific curiosity has brought me to this, as well as a sense of duty. As a scientist, I have to ask about the origin of all the suffering that the Sars-CoV-2 virus has. caused. ” In his study, he cites a total of 60 pieces of evidence for his laboratory theory. “I only included serious evidence in the study that can be evaluated according to scientific criteria. However, I have collected around 600 pieces of evidence in total,” the physicist said according to the journal.

The University of Hamburg announced that the study was completed in January 2021 and was initially distributed and discussed in scientific circles. The publication of the findings is intended to stimulate a broad debate, “especially regarding the ethical aspects of research called ‘gain of function’, which makes pathogens more contagious, dangerous and deadly for humans.”

And for political decision makers, it also makes a difference “whether they should ban wildlife markets or high-risk research with genetically modified viruses around the world.” If this question is not asked, the corona and other types of viruses could develop a much higher risk potential, Wiesendanger is sure. This then applies not only to the present, but also to the future.

WHO considers an accident unlikely

On behalf of the World Health Organization (WHO), a team of researchers in Wuhan searched for the origin of the pandemic. Among other things, the scientists visited the wild animal market and the aforementioned virus laboratory. Although they have not yet been able to trace the natural transmission route of the pathogen to humans, they and other experts currently believe that a laboratory accident is “extremely unlikely.”

The Chinese regime propagates a completely different theory. In other words, the place of origin of the pandemic is not in the People’s Republic at all, but rather the pathogen was introduced into the country through frozen products. The WHO also considers this highly unlikely. Peter Ben Embarek made this clear once again in Geneva. Embarek headed the WHO-appointed Wuhan team of experts. The Chinese hypothesis “is not something we look at,” he said.
