“Everyone sees us as leaders”


DThe entire world is looking at the United States and accepting the country as the leader in the crown crisis, says Donald Trump. He spoke with Chancellor Angela Merkel, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and many other heads of state and government, and “everyone, even if some don’t want to admit it, sees us as pioneers,” the president said in a meeting with republican congressmen. on Friday it was televised.

Oliver Kühn

It is questionable whether this representation is true: both Japan and Germany have significantly fewer crown cases in absolute numbers than the United States with more than 1.3 million people infected: in Germany, about 170,000 people have contracted Covid-19 to date, around 15,500 in Japan.

The number of corona deaths is also significantly lower in both countries. To date, around 7,500 have died from infection with the virus in Germany, and just under 600 in Japan. In the United States, there are now more than 78,000 Deaths related to Covid-19.

Furthermore, the response to the pandemic in the United States has been slow to come and the openness policy that some states are now operating is also highly controversial in the country itself. Almost none of the states can show new infections that fall within a 14-day period, as the Federal Government has recommended as a prerequisite for easing restrictions.

Trump: Corona tests “not necessary”

As an example of his country’s global leadership in crown control, Trump cited the rapid production of ventilators for intensive care patients on Friday. However, he ignored that neither in Japan nor in Germany as many patients depended on them as in the United States, so there is no lack as it existed in the United States.

Trump’s statement may have been a reaction to a question a journalist from Deutsche Welle asked him on Thursday. He wanted to know if he had asked the Chancellor for advice because the German crown policy had been very successful. His response was only: “Our countries are in contact.”

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Germany’s success in containing the crown pandemic is also attributed to an extensive testing program. However, Donald Trump’s evidence does not seem to be that important. He said the case of a White House employee who tested positive for Covid-19 on Friday showed that this “concept is not necessarily a good one.” Katie Miller has been reviewed over and over “and today was positive for some reason.” Speaking to Fox News, he said the tests “were not necessary.”
