EU summit talks about Turkey: Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz goes for Erdogan! – Policy abroad


After months of silence, can the EU still find answers and a unified position on foreign policy?

A special two-day summit focused on foreign policy began in Brussels in the afternoon. Due to the crown quarantine of Council President Charles Michel, the summit was postponed for a week.

On the agenda are the relationship with China, the assessment of the poison attack on Putin critic Navalny and the overdue decision on whether the EU sanctions will come into effect after the fraudulent elections in Belarus and the brutal actions of dictator Alexander Lukashenko against popular protest. . All 27 member states must agree to this, Cyprus has so far refused.

The latest developments on Brexit – the EU Commission launched legal action against London on Thursday – will also play a role.

But the most important issue is: The EU’s relationship with Turkey. And with this issue it cracks.

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) bei ihrer Ankunft in BrüsselPhoto: PISCINA / Reuters

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Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on arrival in BrusselsPhoto: PISCINA / Reuters

Merkel’s goal: “To develop a constructive relationship”

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), who will play a moderating role during the presidency of the German Council, announced upon arrival that she wanted to mediate.

“We are committed to resolving tensions peacefully,” Merkel said, alluding to the gas dispute in the eastern Mediterranean, Ankara’s role in Syria and the renewed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Despite all the difficulties, there is “great interest from the European Union in developing a really constructive relationship with Turkey”. Merkel: “We are partners in NATO.” Y: One depends on each other because of the many refugees that Turkey has hosted.

Angela Merkel, of all people, who was the target of Erdogan’s evil Nazi comparisons three years ago, now opposes the demands of the hardliners to react with severe sanctions to Erdogan’s provocations and threats, or even as requested by the European politician Manfred Weber (CSU). draw a line in the currently suspended EU accession negotiations.

Chancellor of Austria Bottom line: Turkey wants to blackmail the EU

Controversial: When he arrived in Brussels, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP), who repeatedly and recently took positions opposed to the federal government on the issue of the Moria refugees, supported both demands.

Turkey’s threats to allow more refugees to enter the EU are no longer tolerable. “We have seen time and again that Turkey used migrants as a weapon against Europe and tried to blackmail the European Union. That’s not acceptable either, ”Kurz said.

Österreichs Kanzler Sebastian Kurz trifft beim EU-Gipfel einPhoto: Aris Oikonomou / dpa

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Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz arrives at the EU summitPhoto: Aris Oikonomou / dpa

He also criticized: “From our point of view, it has long been unbearable how journalists, political dissidents and opposition politicians are treated in Turkey. We consider it necessary for the European Union not to look the other way, but to react clearly. “

According to Charles Michel’s invitation letter, the entire summit dinner should be dedicated to the subject of Turkey. But according to information from the BILD, the issue was advanced and discussed in the first round of talks. “All options remain on the table to defend the legitimate interests of the EU and its member states,” said the president of the EU Council, Charles Michel, beforehand.

After all, the pressure was starting to take effect, and economically affected Turkey now wants to negotiate the disputed maritime borders with Greece in the gas dispute after Erdogan had even threatened war for a while.

The greatest success of diplomacy to date: Greece and Turkey announced that they had agreed on a mechanism to prevent military incidents in the eastern Mediterranean. This was announced by NATO after several weeks of negotiations between the two allies in the late afternoon at the alliance headquarters in Brussels.

Ankunft der finnischen Regierungschefin Sanna Marin. Sie hat zwei Stimmen beim EU-Gipfel, vertritt neben ihrem Land ausnahmsweise auch SchwedenPhoto: FRANCISCO SECO / AFP

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Arrival of Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin. She has two votes at the EU summit and, as an exception, represents Sweden and her country.Photo: FRANCISCO SECO / AFP

Macron wants to pull different strings with Erdogan

However, EU diplomats have long seen new black clouds rise in relation to Turkey. And this even threatens a new dispute between the heavyweights of the EU, France and Germany.

Macron has long demanded a tougher line against Ankara. Recently, he criticized Erdogan’s recent statements in the conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh Caucasus region as “ruthless and dangerous.”

Background: The Turkish government openly supports Azerbaijan. France has a relatively large population group with Armenian roots, which is (like Russia) on the side of Armenia.

At the start of the summit, Macron announced that he would take home two injured French journalists by plane. Armenia had previously announced that two journalists from “Le Monde” had been shot and wounded in the town of Martuni.

According to the latest draft of the final declaration, the summit should call for an immediate end to violence in the region. The loss of human life and the effects on the civilian population are unacceptable, according to the draft.

Die Kanzlerin begrüßt Ungarns Regierungschef Viktor Orban Corona-bedingt per Ellenbogen-BerührungPhoto: PISCINA / Reuters

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Chancellor welcomes Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Corona with a touch of elbowPhoto: PISCINA / Reuters

Merkel may also represent France on Friday

However, before the summit there was also an unusual vote of confidence from Paris: because the French president skipped the second day of the summit, he gave the chancellor the power to represent him. This is important because the EU’s relations with China are on Friday’s agenda.

The chancellor had hardened the tone towards Beijing on Wednesday in her Bundestag speech. Merkel accused the communist government of “bad and cruel treatment” of minorities. She also stated “that we are deeply concerned about the events in Hong Kong.” The principle that applies there, “one country, two systems”, is “repeatedly eroded.”
