EU project “Autopilot”: autonomous parking with drone assistance


Researchers have developed a new approach to automate the grueling search for a parking space by combining autonomous driving techniques and the Internet of Things. The concept, developed by the Institute for Transport Systems Technology at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) as part of the EU autopilot project (Automated Driving Progresses by Internet Of Things), allows drivers to park their robot car in a specific point such as the office and send it through the parking app.

The computer system behind the “Automated Valet Parking” subproject knows where free parking spaces are nearby, navigates the vehicle there and parks it, backwards smoothly if necessary. The information on the free parking spaces comes from a networked drone that flies completely autonomously as a component of the Internet of Things (IoT). It flies a set course at a height of two or three meters and collects relevant data with its four cameras. With these, the system can make declarations on where the entrusted cars can be parked, determine the optimal route and also discover obstacles on the road.

The used Drone Ardea was originally manufactured by the DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics to explore the planet and disaster areas. In this context, it should help, for example, to locate people in buildings that are unsafe to enter or that have already partially collapsed. Therefore, it flies relatively low and independent of satellite navigation data.

The background IT platform allows all embedded devices and elements to be addressed through the appropriate interfaces. The open source solution, which is independent of individual providers, also manages data traffic. In a hands-on test at the DLR site in Braunschweig, the scientists successfully demonstrated that all components work together virtually and in real life in a quarter that is, however, relatively busy. For example, Bosch and Daimler had already started to park “as if by magic” in a multi-story parking lot in Stuttgart.

The video shows how in the “Autopilot” project a drone helps an autonomous car to park. (Source: DLR)

In the frame Autopilot has a total of more than 40 research and industry partners such as Continental, Gemalto, T-Systems, TomTom, Huawei, the French group PSA and IBM for approximately three years in new features and autonomous driving services powered by IoT , as well as the IT required -Architectures worked. In addition to drones, they also integrated traffic lights and other sensors into “smart mobility” solutions.

The scientists involved also used the initiative, which was funded by the EU with almost € 20 million, to investigate what requirements, expectations and concerns users of autonomous technology have. To this end, they conducted an online survey, accompanied practical tests on the site and explored the experiences of pilot users. “The response was generally positive,” summarizes DLR researcher Viktoriya Kolarova. “It is important that the offers are easy to reserve or use.” The more information there is about how the technology works, the greater the confidence.

According to the expert, the participants found that IT security, reliability and data protection problems are particularly problematic. For autonomous parking, respondents also wanted an option to be able to find out where their vehicle is at any time.


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