Borrell, 73, receives on the twelfth floor of the Berlaymont. A satellite image of Europe hangs behind his desk at the EU Commission headquarters in Brussels, with no cloud visible. But since his failed trip to Moscow in early February, the EU’s top diplomat has come under pressure.
SPIEGEL: Mr. Borrell, a Spanish newspaper once testified that you were volcanic. Where was this volcano when Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov publicly embarrassed it at a recent press conference and Moscow expelled diplomats from three European countries immediately afterward?
Borrell: Actually, I am known to react immediately and not avoid an argument. When Lavrov compared the Navalny case with the Catalans convicted of their role in the independence referendum, I briefly considered arguing with him in front of the cameras. But I decided not to. I did not come to Moscow to talk about Catalonia. So I kept calm.