England: another lockdown since midnight


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson orders a new national lockdown in England as Britain experiences a “critical moment” in the crown pandemic. The reason for the stricter measures is the increase in corona infections. Johnson is instructing the public to stay home to help contain the most contagious variant of the coronavirus. The nationwide lockdown will apply from midnight. The UK Parliament is being called back from its holiday to sit on Wednesday. Wide approval from all parties is expected. The measures are likely to remain in effect through mid-February, Johnson said. Shortly before, the Scottish government had announced a harsh blockade until the end of January.

“That means you have to stay home,” Johnson said in a televised speech Monday night. The roughly 56 million English are only allowed to leave their homes for necessary activities, such as visiting the doctor or working. Schools also have to close. With this measure, the Prime Minister contradicts his statement at the weekend. On the BBC’s “Andrew Marr Show”, Johnson had emphasized: “I have no doubt that schools are safe and that education takes priority.”

Johnson said he understood the public’s frustration and called for one last joint effort. “The next few weeks will be the most difficult,” said the prime minister. “But I am convinced that we are entering the final phase of the fight, because with each vaccine that is injected into our arms, we change course, against Covid and in favor of the British people.”

More recently, Britain had always announced new registries of new infections and patients. There have been 20 percent more deaths recently, Johnson said. He mainly blamed the coronavirus mutant discovered in Britain. It is 50 to 70 percent more contagious than the previously known form.

Britain is now using two coronavirus vaccines. Vaccinations with the vaccine from the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca began on Monday and the vaccine from the Mainz company BioNTech and the US company Pfizer has been in use for four weeks.

Icon: The mirror
