Emmerich: thieves steal 6.5 million euros from customs office – Ruhr area


Emmerich (NRW) – Spectacular robbery at the customs office in Emmerich (Kleve district). The prey of thieves is madness! 6.5 million euros!

According to the findings of the “Kern commission of inquiry” in Krefeld, three previously unknown perpetrators are said to have dug a hole in the basement of the building, a branch of the main Duisburg customs office, with a drill. They then reached the safe through an adjoining room, where they could steal around 6.5 million euros in cash. The money was kept in so-called “security bags”.

Dunkel gekleidet mit dunkler Strickmütze: Mit dieser Aufnahme fahndet jetzt die Polizei nach dem TatverdächtigenPhoto: Police

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/dunkel-gekleidet-mit-dunkler-strickmuetze-mit-dieser-aufnahme-fahndet-jetzt-die-polizei-nach-dem-tat- 201576007-73889594 / image / 16.bild.jpg “/>

Dressed in dark with a dark knit hat: With this image, the police are now looking for the suspectPhoto: Police

Residents heard the drilling noises on November 1 at around 6 a.m. and around 10.45 a.m. they also noticed three dark-clad men in dark knit hats entering the building at Parkring 6. At the time, the gangsters were apparently in the process of loading a white van with Klever plates (KLE). Then they left.

A witness photographed a man behaving suspiciously not far from the crime scene. This man then got into a car and drove in the same direction as the previous white van. Now he is being searched. He was probably crazy.

Investigators check a possible internal data

Investigators are now checking to see if there has been a leak at customs or the police. “That was my first thought: someone must have given a clue,” said Attorney General Günter Neifer. “Now it’s proven: who exactly knew about the money. That is now part of our task. “

Ein Zeuge hatte den Mann geistesgegenwärtig fotografiert, da er sich verdächtig verhieltPhoto: Police I.

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/ein-zeuge-hatte-den-mann-geistesgegenwaertig-fotografiert-da-er-sich-verdaechtig-verhielt-201576132-73891966/Bild/ 1.bild.jpg “/>

A witness had photographed the man with presence of mind because he was behaving suspiciouslyPhoto: Police I.

The procedure in the act was “highly professional,” said the prosecutor. The perpetrators would have perforated the wall and thus would have bypassed the multiple security steel door of the vault.

€ 100,000 reward for crucial information

The customs administration has offered a reward of 100,000 euros for crucial information.

Information by phone at 02821/5045200 or by email at [email protected].
