Elections in the United States: Trump wants the Supreme Court to stop the counting of votes by mail


GRAMAt 2:20 a.m. local time, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, appeared in front of his supporters at the White House, in the last press conference of his life, he noted. It was a speech steeped in history. A speech that was immediately qualified by experts as a low point in the history of American democracy.

Trump listed states that Republicans supposedly won, such as Georgia and North Carolina. However, the vote count is still ongoing there. Given the delays in the result of an election, he spoke of “massive fraud” that would go to the Supreme Court, to stop the additional count of absentee votes. “We don’t want them to look for ballots at four in the morning and add them to the list.”

The president of the United States also claimed victory overall. “We were ready to win this election. In all honesty, we have now won these elections. ”

Legally, Trump’s declaration of victory is irrelevant. Trump said he was close to the party. But then a “very sad group” would have tried to take away the votes.

Biden’s team criticized Trump’s remarks as “scandalous.” Legal experts are prepared for a legal dispute. Joe Biden had previously asked his followers to be patient in a speech in Wilmington, Delaware. It could take a while for a result to establish. “It doesn’t end until all the votes have been counted.”

Mathematically, both candidates still have a chance of winning the election. However, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa Trump has already congratulated Trump on his electoral victory.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf defended himself after Trump’s speech against his accusations. On Twitter, he wrote: “Let’s be clear: This is a partisan attack on the Pennsylvania election, our votes, and democracy. Our counties work tirelessly to process votes as quickly and accurately as possible. Pennsylvania will have a fair election and we will count all the votes. ” He said the US state has more than a million mail-in votes yet to be counted.

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Donald Trump spoke for the first time on Twitter at 0.46 am local time and already declared there: “A great victory!”

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In another tweet, Trump accused Democrats of “stealing” the election victory. “We will not allow that.”

Immediately after the tweet, the US online service Twitter provided this statement with a warning.

You can find all the updates on our live indicator for the US elections.

Both Trump and Biden have so far achieved some significant partial successes: US broadcasters announced a Trump victory in the important states of Florida and Ohio. Without Florida, Trump would have had virtually no chance for a second term.

Biden wins here, Trump wins here

Biden won in Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and the District of Columbia. All of these results were largely as expected.

Den Sieg für Trump verkündeten US-Sender in Texas, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah , West Virginia und Wyoming.

In Florida, a major state with 29 voters, Trump did well, according to the US media, especially in districts with a high proportion of Latinos. In populous Miami-Dade County, in particular, his challenger Biden received fewer votes than he likely would need to win the state. There were also signs of Trump advantages in North Carolina and Georgia. The Republican depends on the states to win, and Biden could win the election without them. To become president, a candidate needs the votes of at least 270 electoral voters from the states.

That’s why counting is so difficult

Due to the corona pandemic, this year it is difficult to assess the state of the count on election night. Many Biden supporters had stated that they wanted to vote by mail. Trump supporters wanted to vote on Election Day. States have different methods of counting which votes and when, so big changes are still possible on election night.

At night, it seemed possible that the count would take longer in some important places in these states. Journalists from big cities in the still-open states of Georgia and Pennsylvania told short message service Twitter that the count would not continue until late at night. A statistician for Fox television said he no longer expected a result from Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania that night.

In Pittsburgh and the rest of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, elections officials plan to meet again starting at 10 am local time (4 pm CET). There have been reports from Philadelphia that the results could be announced there again starting at 9 a.m. In Atlanta, Georgia, it shouldn’t continue until morning.

In some states in the US, evaluation of votes by mail can only begin on Election Day, causing delays. In some cases, the comparison of signatures with the electoral roll is mandatory. In some other states, votes received a few days after the election are also counted. This is where the postmark counts, which must be no later than Election Day. Election officials in several Midwestern states had announced in advance that the correct count could take a few days.

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American citizens were summoned Tuesday to redefine the president, the 435 members of the House of Representatives and about a third of the 100 seats in the Senate. The president of the United States is not directly elected. The winner of the election in a state wins the votes of the electorate there. They then elect the president in December.

Who decides in case of dispute?

In the United States, there is no federal election office that has the final say in disputes as an independent authority. Instead, there are 51 election officials. Disputes generally end in court.

In the event of potential lawsuits, Trump is likely to want to attack the mail-in ballot counting delays in particular. Due to the corona pandemic, many countries had changed the rules for voting by mail, either in procedures or deadlines, just a few months before the vote. These changes could now be legally challenged.

First, legal action should be taken in the affected states. If the legal process was exhausted there, the dispute could end in an urgent procedure before the Supreme Court of Washington. Trump has home-court advantage there: Six of the nine justices are considered conservatives, three of whom the Republican nominated himself.
