Elections in America: How Fox News with Arizona Rushed the White House


It should be like four years ago, when the victory in Florida made it clear that Donald Trump had won the presidential election. Once again, he triumphed in the all-important breakthrough state, but the president’s team has no reason to cheer him on, and that was because of Arizona and Trump’s favorite Fox News.

The New York Times describes what happened in the White House that night with Trump’s irritating television appearance, in which he was proclaimed the winner.

In the East Room, the largest room in the White House, hundreds of active employees and former employees of Trump’s team gathered early in the evening to celebrate victory with him: four more years in power. But then Fox News brought an abrupt end to the party atmosphere: At 11:20 p.m. local time, the broadcaster announced Trump’s rival, Joe Biden, as the winner in the state of Arizona, despite only 73 percent of the votes were counted there.

The newspaper report said Trump and his advisers were stunned. Because if Arizona really goes to Biden, Trump’s re-election is at great risk.

Angry, Trump called some Republican governors. He ignored the advice of his campaign team when he addressed the lectern in the East Room at 2:30 am and made his irritating speech on television. He spoke of “fraud” and announced that he would go to the Supreme Court to end the scrutiny.

Trump’s team had firmly hoped for a victory in Arizona, so a loss could not be at all. Republican Gov. Doug Ducey telephoned administrative officials throughout the night and insisted that many Republican votes remained to be counted. Only then can the result be announced.

Trump’s adviser Jason Miller denied the accuracy of Arizona’s result on Twitter. He called Fox News and asked that the result be corrected at the station. Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner also contacted Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox News. But Fox News, the broadcaster Trump could trust to report on his behalf for years, declined.

Trump’s campaign leader Bill Stepien claimed the next morning that the president would win in Arizona by a margin of 30,000 votes. Trump’s son Eric tried to doubt the count in equally important Pennsylvania. Trump’s attorney, Rudolph Giuliani, in turn, claimed that the Pennsylvania election was also “stolen” without providing any evidence.

Trump himself spent most of the night following the results of other White House elections on Fox News. Angry, he had to watch his rival act. Joe Biden was claiming victory in Arizona for himself and said, “We believe we are on the right track to win this election.” During Biden’s speech, Trump constantly tweeted, claiming that Democrats were “trying to steal” the election.

When Biden was also the winner in Michigan and Wisconsin the next morning, Trump was not seen in public. When the president works in the Oval Office of the White House, a Marine usually stands in front of the doors of the west wing. But this time he couldn’t be seen all day, according to the “New York Times” report.

Rather, Trump called in supporters and friends and reportedly sounded a bit bummed. Meanwhile, Jared Kushner was preparing to challenge the results in court. He’s looking for someone like James Baker, George W. Bush’s former chief of staff who made sure the Florida election results were tallied again in 2000, and helped Bush to victory.

Icon: The mirror
