Election loser Trump: a case for the ambulance


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Editor-in-Chief Florian Harms Newsletter

Good morning dear readers

Here’s the annotated overview of the day’s topics:


Power is only fruitful when it is restricted. In democracies, power is legitimized, first, by the will of the people, second, for a limited period of time, and third, subject to clear rules. Those who sit at the top have to leave their posts if the majority of citizens demand it. No state is perfect, not even democracies, but the containment of power prevents excesses and avoids a brutal government with dire consequences.

What happens, If power is not committed to democratic rules based on the rule of law, we see in many places: Azerbaijan autocrat Aliyev attacked neighboring Armenia to take the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave under the nail. The war left many dead and shook the entire Caucasus. At Turkey Erdogan’s autocratic behavior plunged the country and its people into a deep economic crisis. He alienates the EU’s important trading partners and insults French President Macron for denouncing Islamism. In Hungary Orban overthrew Parliament. It enforces its will through an emergency ordinance and silences critical journalists. In Belarus The dictator Lukashenko tries to save his regime with the help of brutal police violence against peaceful protesters. In Russia Putin bends the constitution to rule forever and assassinates his opponents. In China Head of State Xi subjects hundreds of millions of people to a digital dictatorship and crushes the democratic movement in Hong Kong. In the rich oil Venezuela Maduro ruins the economy and sends death squads against starving citizens. In Tanzania President Magufuli won “re-election” by misleading journalists and opposition activists. And in the United States if the incumbent, who has lost a democratic election, refuses to admit defeat and initiate the transfer of power: Donald trump He denied Joe Biden’s team the access, information and budgets necessary to prepare to take office in January. Instead, he vilified the winner in volleys on Twitter, ranting about “voter fraud,” even though there was – literally: no – conclusive evidence of it, and hissed that he would remain in office.

I wrote yesterday that Trump’s behavior was childish. But it is worse. It undermines confidence in democracy and alienates its supporters from the rule of law. “Donald Trump has declared war on the democracy of his country”, says my colleague Patrick Diekmann. That sounds martial, but you can see it that way. “He is taking an entire country hostage by blocking the important transition phase to the next president.” According to a survey conducted by the Morning Consult institute two weeks ago, just under 70 percent of Republican supporters had confidence in the electoral system. Now it is only a third. Trump’s poison works.

Your calculation seems clear: The United States, in which it just lost, is covering legal claims so that they cannot present an official final result before the December 8 deadline. Then regional governments should decide instead of votes on who ins “Electoral College” he is sent to elect the future president of the United States. Since these states are predominantly ruled by Trump’s Republican Party, they could possibly vote for Trump rather than the true winner, Biden. Whether it will actually get there is questionable, but the possibility is open. It’s an autocratic textbook strategy. Putin, Xi or Magufuli would hardly do otherwise.

Trump’s latest coup fits this: He has fired not only his defense minister, but now all the ministry’s civilian leaders as well and replaced them with lackeys. Observers speculate whether Trump is preparing a military coup: creating chaos, instigating riots, sending soldiers, imposing an emergency and continuing to rule. So what the American historian would prove to be true Timothy snyder he said shortly before the presidential elections in the t-online interview: “Donald Trump will fight to the end. “ You don’t have to go that far, in Washington and in besieged states there are many smart and law-abiding patriots who uphold the rule of law. But the fact that it is necessary to warn against the scene of a presidential coup shows the serious damage that Trump has already done. This man is a danger to democracy, not just in the United States, but throughout the world. With his pushy demeanor, he provides power-hungry politicians with the blueprint for how democratic processes can be undermined.

At the same time, it confronts democratic citizens with a pathological problem: As a narcissist, you cannot lose. This raises the question of whether he should not be treated as a politician in full possession of his mental powers. But as a sick person. If the patient Donald John Trump continues his campaign against democracy and refuses to leave the White House, it will be time to call the ambulance by January 20 at the latest. Caregivers should bring a straitjacket just in case.

Trump supporters in Michigan denounce alleged election fraud.  (Source: AP / dpa / David Goldman)Trump supporters in Michigan denounce alleged election fraud. (Source: David Goldman / AP / dpa)



The Robert Koch Institute reports today on the current situation of the crown in Germany. What is the situation in your district? you can find out on our interactive map.

The internal and constitutional committee of the Saxon state parliament I want to shed light on the background of the chaotic demonstration of “lateral thinking” in Leipzig. There is much need for clarification.

In front of the Bellevue Palace in Berlin the soldiers take a solemn vow on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Bundeswehr. He will promise to serve democracy faithfully and courageously defend justice and freedom. Federal President Steinmeier will appeal in his speech that the armed forces and society must never become strange.

In Munster The child abuse process begins in a gazebo. A 27-year-old boy, his mother and three men from Lower Saxony, Hesse and Brandenburg are charged.

Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz (SPD) presents the tax estimate for the coming years. With the economy recovering despite Corona, the situation appears to be less bleak than was assumed in the spring.

There are many great rock musicians. But only one person combines rock, country and folk in an incomparable way like the great teacher who turns 75 today. Congratulations Neil!



Joe Biden and his wife Jill are now permanently in public, here at the Veteran's Memorial.  (Source: Reuters / Jonathan Ernst)Joe Biden and his wife Jill are now permanently in public, here at the Veterans Memorial. (Source: Jonathan Ernst / Reuters)

Donald Trump tries to stop Joe Biden from taking power – but the new man will not be deterred, says the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. Here he introduces the most important employees of the newly elected president.


Due to the closure, restaurants, bars and pubs are closed. But how great is the risk of contracting the coronavirus in the restaurant industry? My colleague Melanie Weiner evaluated the early studies.


For a good two months, face-to-face lessons have been given again in schools, partly with the mask requirement. However, more than 300,000 students and around 30,000 teachers are apparently currently in quarantine. My colleague Sandra Simonsen has investigated whether school-age children could play a greater role in the spread of the pandemic.


WhatsApp messages are safe – but now more and more EU countries are using encryption to control criminals. Why Privacy Advocates Are Sounding the Alarm explains my colleague Ali Roodsari.


What amuses me?

Carnival, Fasnacht and Mardi Gras are no longer what they used to be in the days of Corona.

    (Source: Mario Lars) (Source: Mario Lars)

I wish you a happy day anyway.



Florian Damage
Editor-in-chief of t-online
Email: [email protected]

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