Edeka: Customers ask for the stop sales of THIS product – “Saudumm”


Edeka: Customers ask for the STOP sales of THIS product – “This is really stupid”

Edeka: The discount store sells a product whose manufacturer has recently generated a lot of controversy.

Edeka: The discount store sells a product whose manufacturer has recently generated a lot of controversy.

Photo: imago images / foto2press

Violent criticism Edeka and Rewe!

Hesse brand apple wine “Bembel with Care” is sold at both discount stores. But now the manufacturer’s founder and managing director, Benedikt Kuhn, has stepped down after receiving violent criticism for controversial posts on social media. Clients of Edeka and Rewe demand drastic consequences.

Edeka: Nazi controversy over the cider maker

On May 8, the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, Kuhn had posted the phrase on his Instagram profile “Apfelweinbaron”: “08.05. Is not a day of liberation.” Also, photos of Kuhn in suits appeared. with a Wehrmacht character. Customers are shocked.

“It’s really stupid,” writes one on Facebook. “Rewe, Edeka and everyone else should think about sales and cooperation with” Bembel with Care “very carefully again.” The Krämer press store has already finalized cooperation with the Kuhn company and the “Bembel with Care” team has also distanced itself from Kuhn’s “private statements”.

Politicians also have a shit storm against Kuhn

The Hesse district association “DIE LINKE Bergstraße” is outraged: “It follows the basic attitude of the Reich Citizens Movement and apparently uses the popularity of its company to spread its extreme right-wing sentiment.”

Benedikt Kuhn describes the allegations in the “Echo” as “defamatory.” And while he honestly believes that Germany is not free, he is not yet a “national nostalgic”. The Wehrmacht look photo was taken at a fetish party under the motto “lacquer, leather and military”.

Kuhn has completely cleaned up his Instagram profile. Only a completely black image can be seen, its profile description has been reduced to the word “Shitstorm”.


At the request of our editors, Edeka said: “Due to current events, we have placed an immediate order and delivery stop for the brand” Bembel with Care “and have asked our business partner, Kelterei Krämer, to comment. Consequently, the press will take over all brand and license rights and will stop working with the previous owner of the brand and will separate from it.


More news too Edeka:


We also received a statement from Rewe on the matter: “The recent statements by the founder of” Bemble with Care “are inconsistent with Rewe’s liberal-democratic values ​​and attitude as a distribution partner. With this in mind, we take all products from the brand of the relevant Rewe stores. ”(At)
