Easter services: the government withdraws the request to the churches


Status: 25.03.2021 3:04 pm

After the U-turn at Easter, the federal government also withdrew the request for virtual church services. The church appreciates the decision, but asks for clear hygiene concepts for face-to-face services.

The federal government is withdrawing its request to churches not to attend religious services during Easter. The Federal Press Office sent a new version of the Bund-Länder Round resolutions from early Tuesday morning, omitting the entire passage about the originally planned Easter break. This means that the phrase contained therein is also omitted: “The federal government and the states will approach religious communities with the request that religious gatherings only take place virtually during this time.”

Chancellor Angela Merkel withdrew agreements on two additional “days of rest” during Easter on Wednesday. He apologized and justified the difficult step in implementation. When asked if this also means that the request to religious communities will no longer apply, deputy government spokesperson Ulrike Demmer only responded evasively.

Presence of church services under strict conditions.

The Catholic bishops had already declared that they wanted to maintain the possibility of face-to-face services at Easter with clear hygiene measures. At the same time, a spokesman for the German Bishops’ Conference called on people to act responsibly and also use the streaming offers. Individual dioceses have also called on Catholics to take responsibility for deciding whether or not to attend a religious service in person.

However, the Northern Protestant Church recommended digital worship formats at Easter with incidence values ​​greater than 100. In principle, religious services could be celebrated both analogically and digitally, because hygiene concepts in parishes have proven their worth. wrote State Bishop Kristina Kühnbaum-Schmidt in a letter to parishes. This would have confirmed an understanding with the federal states.

“However, in light of the development of the pandemic, we recommend closely observing the infection process from an incidence value of 50,” the letter says. From an incidence value of 100, the recommendation is applied to carefully examine the alternatives to the classroom service and offer digital formats as a priority.

Church resistance

Religious services are also allowed in Bavaria at Easter, albeit with strict access restrictions. As part of the infection control measures ordinance, Easter services could take place; they should “continue to be allowed without restrictions,” said State Chancellor Florian Herrmann after a conversation with representatives of the churches and the regional association of Israelite religious communities. Traditional palm processions will be canceled in many places this year due to the pandemic.

The request to refrain from attending religious services met with resistance from the Catholic and Protestant churches. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer had criticized the request. “I was amazed that of all the holidays that have the C in their name, they suggest that churches refrain from worship services, especially at Easter,” Seehofer told “Bild.”
