Due to new crown mutation: Holland bans flights from Great Britain


Following the discovery of a new variant of the coronavirus in Great Britain, passenger planes from the United Kingdom can no longer land in the Netherlands. This regulation applies from Sunday morning until January 1, the government said in The Hague. He also announced that a case of the new mutation had also been discovered in the Netherlands.

The ban on flights from Britain had been decided by Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s cabinet “as a precaution,” the Health Ministry said Sunday morning. It should take effect at 6 a.m. and apply until January 1. Possible rules for other traffic routes are currently being reviewed.

As for the case of the crown with the new mutation that occurred in the Netherlands, the ministry said it was discovered in early December. According to initial results, it is “the variant described in Great Britain”. Currently, experts are checking how this infection occurred and if there are any related cases.

Johnson’s government imposes curfew on London and south-east England

The British government imposed a curfew in London and the south-east of England on Saturday after the discovery of the new variant of the coronavirus, which is attributed a sharp increase in the number of infections in the south of England. A total of around 16.4 million people are affected by the tightening, almost a third of England’s population. It is also not allowed to meet with members of other households during Christmas. “As Prime Minister, it is my duty to make tough decisions and do what must be done to protect the people of this country,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson stressed on Twitter late Saturday.

He had recently rejected calls from academics and the opposition to enforce tougher measures during the holidays. Now millions of people have to celebrate alone. “We are sacrificing the opportunity to see our loved ones this Christmas for a better chance of protecting their lives and being able to see them next Christmas,” Johnson said.

Based on initial findings, the new virus mutation is “up to 70 percent more contagious” than the previously widespread form, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said. So far, however, nothing indicates “that it is more deadly or causes a more serious form of the disease.” The effectiveness of the vaccines will not be affected by the new strain of the virus, Johnson said.

Britain is one of the countries most affected in Europe by the Crown crisis. On Saturday, the number of infections rose by around 27,000 to a total of more than two million. Around 83,000 people have so far died with or from the Covid-19 lung disease. The government had started mass vaccination a good ten days ago. So far, about 350,000 people across the country have received funding from Mainz-based pharmaceutical company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer, as Johnson said.

OMS in exchange for London

The World Health Organization (WHO) is in close contact with Great Britain due to the spread of the new variant of the coronavirus. The WHO tweeted this on Sunday night. The UK authorities would continue to share information and results of their analyzes and studies. “We will keep member states and the public updated as soon as we learn more about the characteristics of this variant of the virus and its effects.” In the meantime, it is recommended to continue taking all protective measures to prevent the virus from spreading.

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