Due to Merkel’s Corona emergency brakes: the city of Sonneberg begins the massive Corona test – the health campus is the focal point


Merkel and the leaders of the countries have agreed: measures must be taken for 50 new corona infections for every 100,000 inhabitants. A crown mass test has now started in Sonneberg.

Update May 12, 12:15 p.m.: Next to Greiz District is also the Sonneberg city in Thuringia with respect to Crown new infections on those decided by the federal and state governments Upper limit of 50 new cases for every 100,000 inhabitants in a week. Now there is a city in the almost 24,000 inhabitants. Crown mass test started.

A team should cut a total of about 600 health campus employees, district spokesman Michael Volk said Tuesday. The campus is the focus of the current outbreak in the city. The campaign started the day before with 180 employees at the local hospital. Therefore, the results are expected in about two days.

Crown crisis: infection rate in Sonneberg with 70 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in one week

the The infection rate was in Sonneberg latest with more than 70 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week. On Tuesday, the crisis team is said to have ended Constraint concepts advise. Initially, however, members wanted to await the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. Volk emphasized that it was necessary to discuss exactly what measure made sense and it was appropriate to contain the Corona outbreak. The objective is Interrupting chains of infection and reduce the situation. Nearby there is also a health campus Dialysis center, two retirement homes as well as medical practices.

Update May 11, 2:15 p.m.: Due to the many Sars-CoV-2 infections among the employees of a slaughterhouse in Coesfeld would have North Rhine-Westphalia * It is the first federal state to put the “emergency brake” into effect, now the crown requirements in the district are not initially being relaxed.

NRW Minister of Health Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) Now it has demanded stricter health and safety laws for the industry. Working with subcontractors across the board has been a “hassle” for him for years. The politician rejected the accusation of lack of control.

Corona crisis: Rosenheim falls below the “emergency brake” limit for infections

Update May 11, 11:25 a.m.: Again Rosenheim scratched the new disease mark of 50 per 100,000 population in seven days. Worth 49 the city fell below the mark on Monday, as if RKIThe numbers emerge.

Update May 11, 7:06 a.m.: The Greiz District has gone unnoticed in recent weeks Crown hot spots in Germany become. Only from Chancellor Angela Merkel Upper limit for new corona infections (50 per 100,000 inhabitants within an independent district or city in the last seven days), as well as the associated emergency mechanism, the immediate implementation of strict restrictions for the affected region, the headlines in Thuringia.

Limits of infection numbers, relief and demonstrations: the crisis of the crown determines the discourse in Germany. Angela Merkel consults with the Crown cabinet and wants to make a statement later.

“How does the economy get out of Corona’s rigor?” Frank Plasberg speaks in the ARD “Hart, but fair” talk with very different guests about billions of aid and tax cuts.

The upper limit of the crown significantly exceeded in Greiz, but the district administrator refuses to close

With a value of last 75.4 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants According to a report by Focus.de not just slightly, but well above the upper limit. But District Administrator Martina Schweinsburg (CDU) refuses to resettle in the Blocking send. In an interview with the world she explains why she thinks that without sense make. “Our district will not be quarantined,” emphasizes Schweinsburg. A massive test showed where the Focal points of infection It would be: In the southern part of the district with the Greiz and Zeulenroda-Triebes centers.

Therefore should Local restrictions only Extend part of the district. Above all, hospital care centers are affected by infections. Therefore, the visitation ban would remain there. With the exception of these facilities, the district has “a normal pattern of infection,” like other counties, Schweinsburg emphasizes.

In Greiz, testing should continue to be carried out extensively: 1,700 Covid-19 tests per week are planned. The Landrat further explains that the guidelines of the Robert Koch Institute would apply. “As I said, there is no point in quarantining the entire Greiz district while everything is opening up in the neighborhood. Then, citizens go shopping in neighboring municipalities or outdoor pools, “says Schweinsburg.

The upper limit of the crown was again exceeded at the Bavarian access point Rosenheim

Update May 10, 5:30 p.m.: The next case for that Crown “emergency brake” of the federal and state governments is there: in the The Upper Bavarian city of Rosenheim the mark of 50 new coronavirus infections per 100,000 inhabitants was exceeded again in a week. The value was 50.5 on Sunday, the Bavarian State Office of Food Safety and Health (LGL) said in Erlangen on Sunday.

Rosenheim had already broken the limit on May 7. The current increase in the number of cases can be explained by a serial test in an accommodation for asylum seekers, the state office said.

This means that five locations are now known in Germany where the agreed upper limit is exceeded: in addition to the city of Rosenheim, the counties Greiz and Sonneburg in Thuringia, Coesfeld in North Rhine-Westphalia and Steinburg in Schleswig-Holstein.

Giant chaos around Corona emergency brakes: next district is above critical value

1:48 p.m.: In the district Sonneberg have been in South Thuringia for the past seven days More than 50 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants has been recorded As of Sunday morning (10:00 a.m.), the value was 66.7 new infections, as announced by the spokesman for the district office, Michael Volk, at the request of the German Press Agency. By then, a total of 155 infections had been detected in the district.

The value of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week is the upper limit, which, if exceeded, will in future be subject to strict restrictions to contain the pandemic in the region in question.

Volk said of the situation in the Sonneberg district:We will continue to monitor the situation very critically and examine and, if necessary, take stricter measures under the new regulation. ”

A focus of infection is a hospital in Sonneberg. The employees were also infected. Therefore, in coordination with the clinic, a temporary admission stop was decided there on Friday night. But Volk also emphasized that there were new infections outside the hospital.

With 74.4 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, the Greiz district was the first region in Germany in which the officially critical value was exceeded. Furthermore, the upper boundary was also broken at Coesfeld in North Rhine-Westphalia and in the Steinburg district in Schleswig-Holstein.

Crown upper limit chaos: Coesfeld remains significantly higher

Update May 10, 11:51 a.m.: In Coesfeld, the number of new infections after the crown outbreak at a meat factory is still significantly above the agreed upper limit. According to the RKI, Sunday’s figure was 85 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week. According to the RKI on Saturday, this average had been 76 (as of May 9 at 00:00). However, the RKI notes that, among other things, a delay in data transfers can lead to discrepancies between your information and the actual local numbers.

With the exception of the Coesfeld district, all other districts and independent cities in North Rhine-Westphalia were significantly below the limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days.

As a consequence, the Coesfeld district, in coordination with the North Rhine-Westphalia state government, has already postponed much of the loosening of crown requirements that was actually planned across the country starting Monday. By Saturday night, 930 of 1,200 employees of the affected meat company had been examined. The number of positive crown cases found increased to more than 190.

Update May 9, 8:27 a.m.: Apparently, the first emergency brake was pulled in the Coesfeld district (NRW). According to dpa information NRW Minister of Health Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) The severely affected slaughterhouse closed with 129 infected employees. The planned postponement for this week had been postponed until May 18, including the opening of Amusement parks, restaurants and shops of more than 800 square meters.. The contact restrictions could not be relaxed either.

In Schleswig-Holstein, where in Segeberg District A slaughterhouse is also affected, the Ministry of Health announced on Friday night that employees of all slaughterhouses in the country are in the coronavirus to be tested.

Crown outbreak in Steinburg district: closed access to affected slaughterhouse

© dpa / Carsten Rehder

Because in many Slaughterhouse Foreign workers are frequently employed and hygiene concepts do not appear to be sufficient, several diplomatic representations from workers’ countries of origin have apparently already shown concern.

The German district day argues that “in the case of clearly isolable foci of infection, such as nursing homes or individual schools”, “do not” order measures for the general public or resume the existing loosening in general. “This is clearly not appropriate, President Reinhard Sager said Friday of the dpa.

Corona emergency brake: Reactions to exceeding numbers are irritating

Update 2.35 p.m .: At least three counties is determined by the federal government and prime ministers Upper limit for new crown infections already exceeded. But reactions to specific cases are irritating: On one hand, the limit is set by doctors too high (see the 1:00 p.m. update); on the other hand, they row Local politicians, but in one case too Acting Chancellor Helge Braun (CDU) is already looking back at possible blocks. State policy also does not appear to be ready.

In thuringium Greiz District about wishes District administrator Martina Schweinsburg (CDU) will even begin easing the restrictions in the coming week. “On the one hand, it is important to prevent the virus from spreading further, on the other hand, we cannot further block our economy or our cuisine,” Schweinsburg said Thursday. It makes “little sense to ban everything you need a few miles away.”

Consider loosening despite the “emergency brake”: Martina Schweinsburg, Greiz District Administrator

© dpa / Martin Schutt

Braun had also placated the Greiz case. “There is no automatic mechanism for general contact restrictions,” emphasized ZDF’s “Maybrit Illner” talk. Because the outbreak in Greiz is “very narrow”, especially in nursing homes, you can imagine a concept of restriction that no broad general restrictions Get along.

Corona emergency brake: no concrete plans for another lock

It was also announced on Friday that the Steinburg district in Schleswig-Holstein had also exceeded the upper limit, in part due to an outbreak at a slaughterhouse in the neighboring Segeberg district. A district spokeswoman knew nothing of the planned measures, as reported to the dpa. There is simply no ordinance from the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Health.

Also in the current third access point, in Coesfeld District, apparently there are still no concrete plans for the closure. The circle said Friday morning that the situation was continually assessed and action was advised.

Officially, however, the Chancellery is firmly committed to regulation. With 50 new infections for every 100,000 inhabitants, “the fire brigade has to come, because then the roof structure will catch fire,” Braun explained. Otherwise, there is a risk of waking up “with 100 or 200 infections” and “with overwhelmed hospitals.”

Corona emergency brake: Schleswig-Holstein district is also awaiting regulations

Update 2:12 p.m.: Also in Schleswig-Holstein, a district has exceeded the upper limit of new crown infections established by the federal and state governments. With 87 confirmed current cases the era Steinburg District on Friday above the maximum of 50 newly infected people per 100,000 inhabitants. According to the authorities, the limit for the district with 131,000 inhabitants is 66 new infections. There have been a total of 164 confirmed cases of Covid-19 there. Three people died. 74 are healthy again.

A district spokeswoman said information on the necessary measures could not yet be released. There is still no corresponding ordinance from the state health ministry.

“Veiled”: Experts Warn of Merkel’s Emergency Brake: Two Counties Are in Emergency Danger

Update May 8, 1 p.m.: Some experts classify it as too lax (see update of May 7, 11.09 a.m.); however, the “emergency brake” for loosening of the crown decided by the Federal Government around Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Minister could soon be the first to grab.

The one particularly affected by the corona virus Coesfeld District Be the first to face new restrictions on the pandemic in North Rhine-Westphalia. According to data from Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is the Limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week has been exceeded It was 52.7 on Friday (as of midnight).

Also in Greiz Thuringia District 75.4 new infections were detected for every 100,000 inhabitants within 7 days of Friday (after midnight), as shown by a summary of the RKI. This is a slight decrease from the previous day (80.5), but still significantly above the planned upper limit of 50.

Debate on “emergency braking”: doctors from health authorities criticize the border – Braun thinks of a special solution for Greiz

In the district, the crisis team wants to decide on new measures to contain the pandemic on Monday. According to the district office on Friday, the focus is still on nursing homes. Now, the planned relaxation across Thuringia when visiting nursing homes and nursing homes for the East Thuringia district could fail. Chief Chancellor Helge Braun (CDU) hinted in a television talk that since the Greiz outbreak was “very narrow,” he could imagine a concept that could work without general and general restrictions.

Slow steps towards the new normal: Chancellor Angela Merkel and the RKI case number card (right).

© Michael Kappeler / dpa

He too Federal Association of Doctors of the Public Health Service (BVÖGD) has meanwhile criticized the infection limit agreed in the federal and state relaxation plans as being too high. “How the health authorities should treat him is a mystery to me. That is not possible,” said the president of the association Ute Teichert to the editorial network Germany. “The health authorities will be on their knees without the permanent support of the Personal. “Teichert continued:” Number 50 is an unknown number to me. “We have no idea where it comes from.”

Merkel’s “emergency brake” in criticism: beer and family festival as herd of crowns in Rosenheim and Greiz?

Update 2:01 p.m.: next Rosenheim in Bavaria the district of 98,000 inhabitants applies Greiz in southeast Thuringia as a fortress of the Crown. With 85 new infections per 100,000 residents in the past seven days, Greiz not only leads a sad record of infection nationwide. Therefore, the district complies with factor 50, which provides Angela Merkel’s emergency braking regulation, to cause a crash.

But where do the high infection numbers in Greiz come from? In Rosenheim, the large number of infected people was due to a strong beer festival. And also in Greiz they were noisy Bild.de largest festivals for the dissemination of the coronavirus responsable. However, these were just two family celebrations, with at least more than 500 guests each.

The celebrations apparently took place in late February and early March. Several participants must have been infected. For the first time on March 13. Infection chain it can be attributed to a party guest and the spread has probably not stopped yet. More than 500 people were infected in the district.

Unfair and manipulable? Expert breaks Merkel’s emergency brake using the example of Munich

Update May 7, 11.09 a.m. Crisis management in the Coronavirus pandemic He has been primarily responsible to the federal states since Wednesday. A call Emergency break Chancellor Angela Merkel was able to affirm in her consultation with the Prime Minister. If more than 50 new infections are reported in a district within seven days, a shutdown must follow. These The brand is questionable and unfair., explains Ulrich Mansmann, director of the Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometrics and Epidemiology (EBI) at Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich

“For the city of Munich, for example, this means more than doubling the current infection rate, which last week was 21.5 infections per 100,000 inhabitants,” said Mansmann. Should in the City of millions If this limit is reached, it is questionable whether the rapid spread can be stopped.

In populated urban areas, the spread of the virus according to the “emergency braking” factor may go unnoticed. in a City of millions therefore, measurements are only taken for 500 cases. Smaller counties are at a disadvantage at the same time Mansmann. With around 100,000 inhabitants, the blockade already continues with 50 infected people. “Such a border should be phased regionally. Because in a smaller district, you can get there quickly if there is an outbreak, “said the expert.

Merkel’s emergency brake can also be manipulated. To make the number of infections beautiful, the tests could simply be reduced. “Such a solution The upper limit number could be manipulated. But against that, clear and understandable documentation of the tests helps, ”says Mansmann.

Criticism is also voiced now due to the borders still closed. The Munich Mercury Comments: The federal government should now address a “Europe-worthy border policy” *. Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) insists on raising taxes for the wealthy due to the Crown crisis.

Merkel Red Line for New Crown Infections: Two Counties Must Remain on Blockade

Original article from May 6, 2020:

Munich – It is one of the central cornerstones in the federal government concept in alleviating the crown crisis: federal states must ensure that in rural districts or urban cities with More than 50 new infections for every 100,000 inhabitants. immediately within the last seven days consequent constraint concept must be implemented

Specifically, this means: If the number is greater than 50, then the district or city must take closure measures again. Merkel agreed to this with the country’s heads on Wednesday at a change conference.

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Upper limit of the crown: fierce discussion about new infections

Had in the exchange between the heads of country and Merkel fierce discussions given this point because the city states of Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen in particular did not want to accept this upper limit.

At the end Chancellor Merkel prevailed with her proposal. The Chancellor is campaigning for cautious relaxation, because some virologists fear severe setbacks if they are too outspoken.

Urge quick countermeasures in case of possible regional crown outbreaks. For this, an “emergency mechanism” agreed with the federal states is important, he said in Berlin on Wednesday after consulting with the prime minister. “When the regional herds of infection reappear, they should be able to re-use special measures immediately.”

New crown infections: Rosenheim and Greiz are above the upper limit

Although the number of new infections has decreased considerably in Germany, there are currently two regions on the other side of the hard border of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. On the one hand, it is the city ​​of rosenheim. According to the Robert Koch Institute, there was an average of 52.1 new cases extrapolated to 100,000 inhabitants. The city itself currently has just over 63,000 inhabitants.

According to Söder, the “emergency brake” is an emergency policy that shows everyone when to start again. This is the “central element” of all planning.

Expected to be found Also the Greiz district in Thuringia. The number of new infections there is 84.6 per 100,000 inhabitants, which is even higher than in Rosenheim. The district is Germany’s first place in RKI statistics.

Some counties are close to: The Zollernalbkreis and the Heidenheim district (both in Baden-Württemberg) had an average of 47.6 and 49.8 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days.

Crown restrictions are only possible for individual furniture

It is still unclear how the authorities will react in Rosenheim and in the Greiz district. With a clearly defined infection event, for example in a facility, you can a restriction concept only includes installation, so the country’s agreement is directed with the federal government.

In the case of a more widespread regional outbreak and unclear chains of infection, the general restrictions that have now been lifted would also have to be reintroduced regionally. Such measures should be applied up to the benchmark of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. drop below at least seven days.

By the way: After Wednesday’s state and federal consultations, details of the course of the conference were released. Chancellor Angela Merkel and a prime minister are said to have been in great need of discussion.

Television chef Attila Hildmann polarizes his views on the crown crisis: distributors of his products react to this.

A legal practitioner does not understand the panic surrounding Corona: “This is not a deadly virus.”

* Merkur.de is part of the network of Ippen-Digital publishers from all over Germany.

mb / dpa

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Bodo Schackow
