Due to increasing number of infections: Italy tightened crown measures


After stable numbers in the summer, corona infections in Italy are increasing rapidly again. That is why the government has once again tightened protection measures. Some restaurants have to close at 6pm

Elisabeth Pongratz, ARD-Studio Rom

They fought each other for days. The ministers, the regions, the government. But there is one thing that everyone agrees on, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said when introducing the new measures: “We must not waste time. We must act by taking all necessary measures to avoid a general lockdown.”

Fear of a widespread spread

The fear of a second blockade runs deep in Italy. In early March, the entire country was closed for weeks in response to the corona pandemic, which was particularly devastating in the north. Thousands of people died in a very short time. After largely stable numbers in the summer months, new infections with the virus are now increasing rapidly; more recently, they increased to more than 11,700 cases in 24 hours.

Although more tests are being done than before, experts also emphasize this, there is still a great concern that the virus could spread again quickly and this time across the board. Therefore, the government is primarily attentive to crowds. As of today, the mayors will be able to block squares or centers from 9 pm if they deem it necessary. New rules also apply in bars.

39 billion crown aid

“In restaurants a maximum of six people can sit at a table. And restaurant owners must indicate on signs outside how many people can stay in the restaurant at the same time, given the safety regulations,” said Prime Minister Conte, explaining the new measures. If there are no seats, the bars have to close at 6pm and all close at midnight.

To cushion the effects of the Covid crisis, the government had recently decided on new aid in the budget project for 2021. The health system as well as small and medium-sized companies or schools and universities must be supported. Tax reform is also planned, as well as large sums for families. The measures, which amount to some 39,000 million euros, are financed with more state debts and with aid from the European Union Recovery Fund.

Jogging allowed, team sports prohibited

In further tightening the crown’s rules, economic effects played an important role, Giuseppe Conte said: “We have to get involved to protect health, but also the economy.” Therefore, the measurements must always be proportionate.

The opening of fitness studios was discussed for a long time. Some, according to Conte, would adhere to security measures, while others would not. They now have a week to make improvements. Otherwise, they have to close. Individual sports like jogging are still allowed, but team sports are not. However, only in the amateur realm.

Schools must remain open

Schools must remain open, especially the younger ones must receive classroom instruction. The Campania region, where new infections are increasing particularly sharply, had just closed schools and universities until the end of October. This caused a great dispute between the government of Rome and the regional government, and many mothers protested against it. Distance learning will now expand into the upper grades and a staggered start of lessons is being introduced.

With the stricter regulations, Italy reacted to the rise in new infections with the corona virus for the third time in a short period of time. Just two weeks ago, the government introduced a mask requirement that also applies outdoors.
