Drama in the province – murderous mother (25) shoots herself in getaway car – Saxony-Anhalt


Stendal (Saxony-Anhalt) – Family drama in northern Saxony-Anhalt: a 25-year-old man shot his mother (57) in the village of Vielbaum (Stendal district) with about 200 people. During the police escape, he pointed his gun at his head in the car and pulled the trigger.

Der mutmaßliche Mörder der eigenen Mutter erschoss sich während der Fahrt in diesem AudiPhoto: Police

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The alleged murderer of his own mother shot himself while driving in this AudiPhoto: Police

Saturday, shortly after 10 pm: apparently there was a dispute in the family home. “For an inexplicable cause,” said police spokesman Joachim Albrecht, the son had “fatally wounded his mother with a firearm.”

“Then he fled with an Audi car and the murder weapon in an initially unknown direction,” Albrecht said early Sunday morning.

The alarmed officials immediately notified colleagues in the neighboring federal states of Brandenburg and Lower Saxony. Several patrols went hunting for the alleged murderous mother.

Albrecht, police spokesman: “A short time later, the suspect shot himself in the head with a pistol while driving on the B189, town of Wittenberge in the direction of Perleberg.”

The Audi crashed into the railing and only stopped after 300 meters. When rescuers arrived, the 25-year-old was still alive. He arrived at the clinic but died shortly after from serious head injuries.

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As a general rule, BILD does not report suicides to avoid creating an incentive for imitation, unless the suicides receive special attention due to the circumstances.

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