Dr. Li-Meng Yan from China: Coronavirus produced in a laboratory? Your evidence! – News abroad


“The virus comes from the laboratory.” A Chinese virologist who worked for a long time at the University of Hong Kong and who, according to her own statements, has been investigating the new coronavirus since the end of 2019, confirms with this statement what many people have believed for a long time.

Now Dr. Li-Meng Yan and three other researchers have submitted a scientific paper (“article”) that is supposed to even show how the virus was produced.

26 pages in English. Countless technical terms. Hardly understandable to most. The researchers uploaded the document to Zenodo, an online storage service for scientific data sets, on September 14.

BILD translates concise statements into German. However, there is still no review by Dr. Li-Meng Yan’s work by independent scientists.

Caption reads: “Unusual features of the SARS-CoV-2 genome indicate sophisticated laboratory modification, rather than natural development.”

In the short summary, still on page 1, the researchers write that they have provided evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is a laboratory product. It is said to have been made using “the bat corona viruses ZC45 and / or ZXC21”. Production of the virus in the laboratory is easy and takes “about six months.”

This is followed by a brief introduction to the scientific work: “As a coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 differs significantly from other respiratory and / or zoonotic (Transferred from animals to humans, editor’s note) Viruses: attacks various organs; it can appear asymptomatic for a long period of time; it is easily transferable and significantly fatal to high-risk patients. “

Furthermore, the researchers also write at this point that allegedly “falsified scientific data was published in order to mislead the world.” A clear blow to the Chinese government.

  • Documentation at BILD.de

    Interesting too

Dr. Li-Meng Yan fled Hong Kong to the United States in April 2020, fearing the long arm of China’s regime. Dr. Yan accuses communist leaders in Beijing of having known about the person-to-person transmission of the new coronavirus earlier than previously known. Furthermore, Dr. Yan says, the true origin of the virus had been covered up.

At the beginning of 2019/2020, the virologist informed her then-boss about the first results of her research on the new coronavirus. The man is said to have asked her to “be quiet and be careful.”

In Hong Kong, the results of the investigation were deleted from his computer, Yan said. Her new team of four in the US has “combined expertise from virology, molecular biology, structural biology and computational biology, vaccine development and medicine,” the recently published article reads.

► Scientific work consists of two larger complexes. The first: the structural characteristics of the new coronavirus.

According to the researchers, an abnormality that suggests that SARS-CoV-2 was developed in the laboratory is a “cleavage site known to increase viral infectivity.” “However, this division point is completely absent in the naturally occurring type of corona virus,” the researchers said.

► In part 2 of their work, the scientists give a kind of demonstration: the “very probable path for the creation of SARS-CoV-2 in the laboratory”.

They also note that China’s labs have the “world’s largest coronavirus collection.” At the end of the article is the demand for an “independent review of the labs” in Wuhan. And an employee review!

Dr. Li-Meng Yan and his colleagues write: “Such research should have taken place a long time ago and should not be delayed.”
