Donald Trump’s fired lawyer crashes in Georgia and Michigan


  • Matthis Pechtold

    sinceMatthis Pechtold


  • Lukas rogalla

    Lukas rogalla


Attorney Sidney Powell is fighting for Donald Trump and against the outcome of the US elections. In Georgia and Michigan, however, it was to no avail.

  • In Michigan Y Georgia equipment failure Donald trump lawyer fired with her seemingly unfounded complain In front plate.
  • Just 27 of 249 republican: inside they recognize a victory by, according to a Washington Post poll Joe biden in the US elections – Donald trump they want their names.
  • Trump News: All the news about the 45th president of the United States at a glance.

Update on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 1.30 p.m.: Counted in mid-November Donald trump added his close legal team. Four days later, his conspiracy myths were heard, presented at a strange press conference. Rudy giuliani Y Jenna ellisToo difficult even for the hard core of the outgoing American president. the 2020 U.S. elections had been manipulated with millions of dollars from abroad, the former Venezuelan ruler Hugo Chávez was personally responsible for the technology used to manipulate the voting machines. Wandering attorney Sidney Powell was kicked out of Trump’s campaign team shortly after.

However, he has continued to work alongside Donald trump, convinced of his attacks on what all official sources say was a regular election. In Michigan Y Georgia She filed a lawsuit against the victory of Joe biden one. The courts of both states have ruled on this, and according to a report from the “Politico” medium quite clearly.

Sidney Powell: The lawyer lost her job at Donald Trump after wild accusations.

© Drew Angerer / AFP

Michigan and Georgia courts dismiss Sidney Powell’s lawsuit

In Michigan The Detroit District Court dismissed the lawsuit on the grounds that it was based on “nothing but speculation and guesswork.” According to the responsible judge, Linda Parker, the main objective of the lawsuit is to undermine the confidence of the American population in the electoral system. And even if individual points had been justified, the consequence would never have been to declare the result of the election of an entire state invalid. The judge in Georgia, Timothy Batten. “We cannot go back in time and create a world in which the results of the 2020 elections have not been confirmed,” he said. Sidney Powell Meanwhile, she defends herself against the accusations, especially the fact that she was remarkably slow in bringing alleged evidence to court. “We present our demands as quickly as humanly possible,” said “Politico” aloud.

The electoral bodies of both countries have already certified the results reported by the individual electoral districts and transmitted them to the electoral committee. This meets as scheduled on December 14th. Joe biden based on the election results of their respective shipping states to 46th President of the United States to choose.

27 Republicans acknowledge Joe Biden’s victory – Donald Trump demands their names

First report on Sunday, December 6, 2020, 4:03 pm: Washington DC – Die United States election and their results divide them Republican Party notably. It’s been a month since the Democrat Joe biden from much of the American media to the winner and the next Presidents of United States was chosen. I still want Donald trump not accept the result or accept it at all.

Instead, the still-President Donald trumpwho put his anger on Electoral fraud He communicated primarily through Twitter to track down suspected traitors in his own party.

Donald Trump wants the names of Republican congressmen to recognize Joe Biden’s electoral victory.

© Evan Vucci / dpa / AP

US elections: Donald Trump asks for Republican names to recognize Joe Biden’s victory

A Washington Post voting team has all 249 Republican deputies in the House of Representatives and senate contacted and requested answers to the following questions: Who has the United States election won? Support the efforts of Donald trumpto claim victory or are you against? Yes Joe biden If the majority of the electorate receives it in the Electoral College, you will be legitimately elected United States’s president to accept?

As can be seen from the results, currently only 27 recognize Republican congressmen Joe biden as the winner of United States election to. Previously 25 of them were reported, the Washington Post has now adjusted the number. Among the deputies is Mitt Romney, one of several high-ranking senators: the Triumph According to the information of the journalist Carl Bernstein it should “despise”. Two deputies said that Donald trump won the elections. 220 rather dodged the question and gave an unclear answer or no answer.

survey Who won the American elections?
Joe biden 27 Republican congressmen
Donald trump 2 Republican congressmen
unclear / unclear answer 220 Republican Congressmen
Those: Washington Post

Donald Trump upset: some Republicans acknowledge Joe Biden’s win

too Donald trump he learned about the polls – and at the same time expressed his disgust: “25, wow! I’m surprised there are so many. We just started fighting. Please send me a list of the 25 RHINES. I read the Washington Post fake news as little as possible! Trump wrote on Saturday (December 5, 2020) on Twitter. All names and answers are available on the website. As “RINO” (“Repulican In Name Only”) conservatives refer to the United States Members of Republican Partythat they are not conservative enough for them, and therefore are not worthy of the Republican or Republican designation.

I was Donald trump and his fans with 27 republican: the interior plan is unclear. You may soon feel as intimidated as Brian Kemp. To the governor of Georgia and exercise your government Triumph and their team put enormous pressure on them because they won the elections Joe biden officially confirmed in the state. Pastor and prominent supporter of Triumph he even demands that the president “kick in on Governor Kemp’s door” and “knock on him a bit” so that “legal votes” are counted.

Elections in the United States: two congressmen even believe in a victory for Donald Trump

The two congressmen who openly believe that Donald trump the United States election They are Mo Brooks from Alabama and Paul Gosar from Arizona. “No, never,” Gosar told the Washington Post when asked if Joe biden as legitimately chosen Presidents of United States Will accept. “Too Much Evidence of Election Fraud”. Brooks told The Hill that this was “the worst election heist in American history.” (Lukas Rogalla)

Header listing image: © Drew Angerer / AFP
