Donald Trump wants to open the country again


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, wants to gradually reopen the American economy. His plan foresees three phases in the return to normality. He wants to leave the time to the governors of the states.

United States President Donald Trump wants to use three new phases to guide the United States back to normal in the crown crisis and gradually reopen the economy. A nationwide shutdown could not be a long-term solution, Trump said Thursday night (local time) at the White House with a view to the economy. According to data from the United States Department of Labor on Thursday, about 22 million people lost their jobs in a month. Trump said: “We need to have a functioning economy. And we want to get it back very, very quickly.”

Trump’s plan provides for a three-step return to normal if certain criteria are met in the states or regions of the United States. The guidelines do not contain a precise schedule. Instead, states or regions must meet a series of requirements before entering each of the three phases. For example, before each new phase, the number of detected coronavirus infections is said to have decreased over a period of 14 days.

Donald Trump: The President of the USA USA He wants to gradually return to his country to normal. (Source: AP / dpa / Alex Brandon)Donald Trump: The President of the USA USA He wants to gradually return to his country to normal. (Source: Alex Brandon / AP / dpa)

Governors have the last word

30 percent of the country has not reported new cases of coronavirus in the past seven days, Trump said. “We are opening, one step at a time, carefully.” He stressed that the state governors had to implement the guidelines. If they decide that stricter protection measures are still needed, “we will allow them.” Trump paddled again. On Monday, the president said he had “global power” in reopening the United States.

Strict measures in New York until the end of May

This had met with considerable criticism. For example, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo replied that Trump was not a “king” but a president-elect. Cuomo extended relatively tight exit restrictions from Thursday through mid-May in the particularly hard-hit state of the crown pandemic. That was done in consultation with other states in the region, he said. “What happens after that? I don’t know. We’ll see what the data says.”

The situation in the United States

Trump was optimistic that US casualties could finally fall short of less devastating predictions. The recently released predictions by the White House feared at least 100,000 deaths, even given protective measures. If all goes well, the United States would be significantly below that, Trump said.

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Johns Hopkins University experts recorded around 33,000 deaths in the United States as a result of infection with the new coronavirus (as of 5:00 p.m. CEST on Friday). The recent dramatic increase in the number of victims should also be due to the fact that numerous New York deaths apparently were added to the statistics. According to recent information, these victims may have died as a result of the virus, but they have never been positive. According to the university, the number of confirmed infections was more than 667,000, more than in any other country.

The new US guidelines USA In detail

  • In the first phase The above guidelines, which expire at the end of the month, are only loosened slightly. Crowds of more than ten people should be avoided. Those who can work from home should continue to do so. Whenever possible, workers should gradually return to their jobs. Schools that are currently closed must remain closed. Restaurants, cinemas and places of worship should only be opened if a safe distance between visitors can be guaranteed.
  • In the second phase Workers should continue to be encouraged to work from home. In companies, the common areas where people meet must remain closed. Visits to nursing homes and hospitals should continue to be prohibited. Non-essential trips should be possible again. Schools should reopen.
  • In the third phase In the event that employees return to their jobs without restrictions, visits to nursing homes and hospitals should also be allowed. Population groups in danger of extinction must continue to keep their distance from other people. People who are not in these groups should consider spending as little time as possible in crowds.

Trump campaigner

The guidelines are titled “Opening America Again”. This is an allusion to Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again”. The United States presidential elections are scheduled for November. Trump was also criticized for having his name written on direct taxpayer aid checks during the crisis, right in the middle of the campaign ahead of the November presidential election. He replied, “I am sure people will be very happy to receive a big fat check and my name is on it.”
