Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden: Election night could be a nightmare


  • Christian stör

    ofChristian stör


The United States elects a new president on November 3. It remains to be seen if the result will be known on election night. Donald Trump could still declare himself the winner.

  • Donald Trump and Joe Biden fight for the White House
  • Voting by mail plays a big role this time
  • The result of the US presidential elections could be delayed

Washington – It all ended shortly after 8:30 am our schedule. Hillary clinton he had just picked up the phone and congratulated his opponent on the victory. And Germany awoke from turbulent dreams on the morning of November 9, 2016, to find the United States transformed into a monstrous monster. The new president was called Donald trump.

America can choose between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

On November 3, 2020 it will now be decided whether Triumph remains in office or has to move out of the White House. But it remains to be seen whether the question Donald Trump or Joe Biden will be decided on election night. In any case, it cannot be ruled out that the world will experience a scenario similar to that of 2000, when the winner of the duel between George W. Bush and Al Gore was only a few weeks after the elections.

Reproduced then Florida not with. Although the election commission announced a result the day after election night, Gore did not give up as quickly due to Bush’s narrow lead. Also, the legendary and confusing ballots in particular caused a lot of confusion.

But even the court-ordered recounts didn’t give a clear picture, for weeks no one knew who was really ahead. Even today, the question must remain open, as the scrutiny was finally stopped by a highly controversial Supreme Court ruling. So lay back George W. Bush at the end in Florida with 537 votes ahead. The choice was decided in his favor.

You can always expect everything with Donald Trump.


Donald Trump or Joe Biden: vote by mail plays a big role

A similar scenario is conceivable this year. Maybe much worse. Because what if no winner can be announced on Election Night in some states? Not because it’s particularly tight, but rather because there are so many Votes in absentia have not yet been counted. Because in many federal states these only go to the end, even if the letters have arrived many days before Election Day.

Furthermore, in 21 states it is sufficient if the Brief it’s sealed on election day. If it then arrives within a period of up to ten days, this vote is still valid. This is, for example, in the competitive Ohio the case. Therefore, it should be a long time before the results can be officially announced.

So far, this has not played a major role. Television stations and news agencies have always relied on theirs. Projections supported and announced the results in individual states on election night. And when things got really tight, it was initially simply: “Too close to call” (Too tight to announce a result).

How the 2016 elections turned out:

Candidates Donald trump Hillary clinton
Political party republican Democrats
Visa Candidate Mike pence Tim kaine
Electoral College 304 227
Popular vote 62,984,828 65,853,514
percent 46.1% 48.2%

Democrats vote absentee much more than Republicans

But nothing lasts forever. This year comes the postal vote Due to the Corona-Pandemie in any case, a completely different role from all previous elections. Unlike 2016, for example, when one in four votes was received by letter, the numbers are likely to be much higher this time. In fact, many more applications have already been made than before. If the postal ballots were roughly evenly distributed, that would be relatively irrelevant. But that should hardly be the case. So far everything indicates that Joe biden you’ll get a lion’s share here. North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, Iowa, or Florida – they have them everywhere Democrats significantly more mail-in votes than that republican.

So it is too understandable that Donald trump again and again against him postal vote criticized and criticized for no reason as prone to fraud. In any case, Trump is of the opinion that people should go to his polling station and cast their vote there, as it should be. Otherwise, chaos threatens. Trump, however, literally yells it out on Twitter: “MAYHEM !!!”

Also goes Donald trump apparently, assuming that there will never be a regular result in the 2020 elections. “Due to the new and unprecedented number of unsolicited ballots being sent to ‘voters’ or anywhere this year, the result of the November 3 elections can never be determined precisely. That is exactly what some want “, Trump writes on Twitter.

It would be better Donald trump so if he postal vote it could be completely abolished. However, this will not happen. Above all, you can only hope that due to the slower counting method on Election Day, especially in contested states, you will have the upper hand. That could result in a real night of terror.

Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden: What Election Night Could Be Like

A possible horror scenario looks like this. Joe biden has not yet reached the magic threshold of 270 votes, only highly competitive states Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin they are still open. Since the laws prohibit officials there, unlike in many other states, from processing or even counting ballots before Election Day, votes-by-mail are initially largely ignored, so Donald trump suddenly you are leading the way on the live account.

So what will Trump do? It can be assumed that he will simply announce his victory. Because for that Trump team only the result of the election night counts, nothing else. “The president is elected on election night, only that is a fair system, this is how the system is made,” said the government spokeswoman. Kayleigh McEnany clearly.

That’s why Donald trump himself likes to refer to a New York Democratic primary, with some results officially announced several weeks after Election Day. The “New York Times” wrote about the failed elections, which it feared would be a November nightmare.

2020 US Election: How Would Joe Biden React?

It would be a nightmare for the Democrats, especially. Because what should Joe biden then do it? Of course, he will insist on waiting for the official results first. But Donald trump He doesn’t give a damn about Biden’s wishes and presents the program for the next four years on Twitter and in his victory speech. And Trump fans are putting themselves in position to give Democrats a chance. After all, there are enough right-wing militias in them. U.S.

Joe biden I would be in a very bad situation. Why Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin they are governed by the republicans. Therefore, it can be assumed that Donald trump he will exert massive influence on his friends in the party to finally declare him the winner, and whether they have to rely on irregularities and delays in counting the vote-by-mail ballots. So is it of any use to Biden that he is equipping himself with the best anti-tampering lawyers in the US election campaign? The legal consequences as in 2000 would then be inevitable. And what would happen in the streets?

2020 U.S. Election Night – Early Decision Possible Too

However, it doesn’t have to be that way. In view of the relatively clear and also very stable surveys, experts generally expect that Joe biden he will win the presidential election on November 3. And the election outcome could also be determined quite early, whether Biden wins in Arizona or Florida. Both seem quite possible.

In both states the postal vote Fairly spread out over years, and ballot processing there begins long before Election Day. Should Joe biden So keep an eye out for hits on Arizona or Florida the long election night should be short enough. And in Germany too, he would know the name of the new president before 8:30 am on the morning of November 4. (By Christian Stör)

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