Donald Trump: video shows former president freaking out on the golf course


Donald Trump loses his composure on a golf trip. At the same time, rumors about his own social media platform are circulating again.

  • After a missed shot on the golf course, it is assumed that Donald trump broke his bat. A video shows the former president enraged.
  • In addition to reviving old friendships on the golf course Donald trump in matter Social media plan a comeback.
  • Trump News: All the news of the former president of the USA take a look.

Palm Beach – On Sunday (March 21, 2021) the former US president. Donald trump Not having been so relaxed in a failed round of golf. With some friends, including the American professional golfer Bryson DeChambeau, met at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida, which is also near his luxurious property Mar-a-Logo it’s found.

Dressed all in white, with a typical golfer polo shirt and his familiar red “Make America Great Again” cap, he said. Donald trump initially they were in a good mood. But his mood quickly changed: After a missed shot, he was said to have become so angry that he smashed his golf club on the ground in front of his friends, observers said. A video from the British news site “Daily Mail” shows the 45th US president enraged.

Donald Trump likes to surround himself with American golf professionals in West Palm Beach

Possibly his anger was due to the fact that he was playing with Bryson DeChambeau It was observed. Professional golfer DeChambeau has eight major victories in the PGA tourthat have favored the main golf games of the USA lines up.

The day before, Saturday (March 20, 2021), you must Donald trump seen with some friends inside the golf course. Along with his close ally, the senator Lindsey graham, was also accompanied by a professional golfer: Jaye Marie Greenwho plays for the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA).

Former President Donald Trump talks during a round of golf at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. (File photo)

© Allen Eyestone / dpa

Friendship revived: Graham seeks support from Donald Trump

It is believed that Donald trump I met Graham for the first time since the end of last month while they were playing together on the golf course. The South Carolina Republican was previously extra after Mar-a-Lago turn to the former president for help in several important Senate races for the republican in 2022 to ask.

Donald Trump on the golf course. (Symbol photo)

© Ken Cedeno / Imago Images

Although a senator Graham after attacking the Kapitol January 6, harsh words for me Donald trump had voiced his allegations of electoral fraud in the Presidential election rejected. That graham is in Indictment procedures had spoken out against Trump’s conviction, it shouldn’t have been entirely inconvenient to let the relationship with Donald Trump flourish again.

Reunited in the game of golf, memories will likely return that it was golf that originally brought the two men together. Because 2017 after Graham in Twitter had praised Trump’s golf skills, the two are said to have only begun to build an intimate relationship with each other.

Donald Trump is planning a return to social media with his own platform

TO Donald trump Sunday’s golf outing was also rumored that Trump would soon be back. Social media plan with your own platform. “We will see President Trump return to social media with his own platform in about two or three months, and I think that will be all the rage on social media,” Trump’s longtime adviser said. Jason miller during a Sunday interview with Howard Kurtz, the Fox News host. The new platform will “completely redefine” the social media game and potentially attract “tens of millions” of new users, Miller added.

The microblogging service Twitter, the Donald trump had used very actively to spread his messages, the account that the then president of the United States had in January after the riots by the Kapitol permanently locked. In a statement, Twitter announced that it wanted to avoid further incitement to violence by Trump. (Anna Charlotte Groos)

List of rubrics lists: © Allen Eyestone / dpa
