Donald Trump: the first speech after his term in the current


For the first time, Donald Trump appears before the public after being removed from office as President of the United States. He is expected to speak about the future of Republicans. Want to run for office in 2024? Watch the speech now live on the webcast.

In his first public appearance since leaving office, former US President Donald Trump did not rule out a possible candidacy in 2024. The Republican said at the conservative CPAC conference in Orlando, Florida on Sunday, but did not expressly state that he would run for the next US presidential elections. Trump again claimed at the annual conservative activists event that he actually won the November election against the Democrat against Joe Biden, that’s not true.

“They actually just lost the White House, as you know,” Trump said, referring to Democrats. “He might even decide to hit her a third time.” The audience recognized this statement with thunderous applause.

However, the former president of the United States does not want to form his own party. “I am not going to found a new party,” Trump said. “We have the Republican Party.” You will be united and stronger than ever. “I will continue to fight by your side.” Previous reports about the possible founding of a party were “fake news.”

Trump harshly criticized the policies of his successor Joe Biden, which is unusual for a recently retired US president. Trump declared Biden “the most disastrous first month as president in modern history.” Trump’s appearance was accompanied by frenzied applause and shouts of “America, America, America.” From the conference participants.

Trump has great influence over the Republican Party

Republican Congressman Jim Jordan sees Trump at the top of the Republicans even after his electoral defeat. “President Trump is the leader of the Conservative movement. He is the leader of the America First Movement. He is the leader of the Republican Party,” Trump’s close confidant said Sunday before the conference.

Marcia English: She is the leader of a group of Trump supporters who were waiting for the former president in front of the convention center.  (Source: AP / dpa / John Raoux)Marcia English: She is the leader of a group of Trump supporters who were waiting for the former president in front of the convention center. (Source: John Raoux / AP / dpa)

After CPAC attendees chanted “USA, USA, USA,” Jordan added, “And I hope he will be the leader of our great country again on January 20, 2025.”

Democrat Joe Biden replaced Trump in office on January 20 of this year. Trump still refuses to admit defeat to Biden to this day. He claims his victory has been stolen from him by massive electoral fraud, but has never produced any evidence.

Fox News broadcaster, which is one of CPAC’s backers, reported ahead of time that Trump would harshly criticize the policies of his Democratic successor Joe Biden. Trump is expected to mention a possible candidacy in the 2024 presidential election in his speech, but not formally announce it. CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) is an annual conference with conservative activists and representatives from the United States.
