Donald Trump talks about Rudy Giuliani’s condition and announces “great things”


  • Christian stör

    sinceChristian stör


Rudy Giuliani was infected with the corona virus. According to Donald Trump, his lawyer “is doing very well.” At the same time, the president of the United States makes an announcement.

  • Rudy giuliani is positive in that Coronavirus has been tested.
  • The personal attorney of Donald trump tested for weeks, the result of United States Election to incline.
  • Rudy giuliani is in the hospital and has called from there Donald trump reported.

Update, 8:05 pm: Donald trump has learned of the health status of Rudy giuliani voiced. His personal attorney is fine, he said. The american president in the White House. “Rudy is very well. I spoke with him. He called me this morning, ”Trump said.

Rudy giuliani be a “champion” said Donald trump. He described Giuliani as “the greatest mayor” and praised his work in the legal battle of Trump’s election campaign against the outcome of the election. United States Election. Trump still refuses to defeat his Joe biden to admit.

Actually, the event was intended as a ceremony for Dan Gable. The former wrestler was from Donald trump honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the second highest civilian award in the United States. But shortly after the official part, Trump came up with his current favorite topic: the alleged Electoral fraud. In this context, Trump announced “great things” that his campaign would present to the public in the coming days and until the electorate election. Once again he called the election “rigged” that United States compared it to a “third world country”.

Rudy Giuliani has a Crown: Donald Trump’s lawyer asked the witness to remove his mask

Update, 10.45 am: Rudy giuliani it is just one of many. Numerous people had been near Donald trump tested positive for the coronavirus, including his wife Melania Trump, his eldest son Donald Trump Jr., his spokesperson Kayleigh McEnan. In addition, some of his advisers, his campaign manager and several Republican congressmen.

Many of them, including them Rudy giuliani – had followed Trump’s example and had recommendations from health professionals on the Maskentragen ignored. More recently, Giuliani himself had caused a stir because, during a hearing on alleged electoral fraud, he asked a witness to remove his mask: “Some people cannot hear you.”

Meanwhile it is also Deborah Birx close to despair. Corona’s crisis team coordinator at the White House once again urged the people of the United States to comply with protective measures. It’s “frustrating” to hear people “parroting” “that More expensive bring nothing in and the crowds don’t lead to super broadcaster events, “he told NBC.

Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani tested positive for coronavirus

First report of December 7, 2020: Washington – Rudy giuliani he’s been working as a frontal fighter for weeks Donald trump. With appearances at times completely absurd, Trump’s personal attorney is still trying to do just that. 2020 U.S. Election Results tip in favor of your customer. So far this has earned him mostly scorn and mockery, a serious proof of a possible electoral fraud Giuliani remains guilty until now.

But now you have to interrupt your campaign first. Why Rudy giuliani has tested positive for coronavirus. According to reports from the New York Times and the ABC broadcaster, Giuliani was hospitalized on Sunday. Giuliani said on Twitter that he was getting “great attention” and that he felt “good.” “I recover quickly and I am up to date on everything,” he wrote. His son Andrew wrote: “My father Rudy Giuliani rests, is well cared for and feels good.” It was not initially known if Giuliani showed symptoms of a disease. At 76, Giuliani is one of the Corona Risk Group.

Rudy Giuliani tested positive for Corona.

© afp / Rey Del Rio

Trump’s legal team said team members would now join quarantine and have them try it. This is likely to paralyze hitherto unsuccessful efforts in the fight against Trump’s electoral defeat. However, the disease should not end efforts to correct the outcome of the 2020 US election. Rudy giuliani he worked “tirelessly” to uncover the “most corrupt elections (by far!) in American history,” he wrote Donald trump On twitter. The Republican sent his lawyer welfare wishes. “We will move on !!!”, he added. And Trump’s lawyer Jenna ellis said: “Giuliani is a tough warrior!” The work of Trump’s lawyers is unaffected by the Giuliani infection and they continue.

Democrat reacts outraged to Rudy Giuliani’s positive corona test

as Donald trump put it in the election result, traveled Rudy giuliani across the country to make their unfounded claims heard. Most recently, he was at a parliamentary hearing in Michigan, Then in Georgia. Jen Jordan, a Democratic senator in the state, was outraged at the news of Giuliani’s infection. “Giuliani, without a mask, in a fully occupied courtroom for seven hours,” he wrote on Twitter. To say that I am angry would be too kind. The mock hearing in the Senate was a mockery of justice. Now its effects could go much further. “

Rudy giuliani

Name Rudolph William Louis „Rudy“ Giuliani III
Alter 76 years
job Jurist
Current function Donald Trump’s personal attorney

Rudy Giuliani continues to fight for Donald Trump

Rudy giuliani I was on a TV interview Sunday morning Fox News was seen in which he again claimed he was central organized electoral fraud given, it was “very well planned, very well executed”. US officials said the November 3 elections were the safest in the country’s history. Yet experts no longer expect Trump to have a real chance of defeat. Joe biden in order to legally turn away. (cs with dpa / afp)

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