Donald Trump talks about Joe Biden’s victory and then reviews


AUS President Donald Trump has done a pirouette in his election loss to Democrat Joe Biden on Twitter. Without mentioning Biden’s name, Trump tweeted the words “He won” on Sunday. But only because of an alleged electoral fraud. Then Trump tried to counter the impression that he recognized Biden’s victory. “He only won in the eyes of the deceptive media. I admit nothing, “Trump wrote.

Until now, the president had always publicly claimed that he had won the election. According to forecasts by the AP news agency, Biden won much more than the required 270 electoral votes in the election and is also ahead of Trump in absolute terms by more than five million votes.

“That’s what the American people did.”

Biden’s future chief of staff, Ron Klain, told Trump’s tweet that it would be positive if the president was preparing for a reality check. But that is not decisive. “News of Donald Trump on Twitter does not make Joe Biden president,” Klain told NBC. “That’s what the American people did.”

Trump complained Sunday about allegedly ineligible election observers and the “radical left” company Dominion, which tabulated the votes to finally lock in capital letters: “We will win!

So far, Trump remains guilty of evidence of large-scale voter fraud. Election officials from both parties have stressed that the vote went well. International observers have not found any serious irregularities.
