Donald Trump sees his opportunity


The bitter power struggle for the influential Supreme Court is raging in Washington. Donald Trump believes that the issue may still win the election. But the Democrats also have a plan.

According to legend, the presidential election campaigns in the United States are characterized by a juicy surprise that once again shakes the race shortly before Election Day in early November: the so-called “October surprise.”

Four years ago, for example, this was the FBI announcement that it would re-investigate Hillary Clinton in the email subject.

This year it seems rather that there will be a “September surprise”. The death of Constitutional Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg last Friday has once again fueled and mixed up the already extremely heated election campaign. A bitter power struggle has broken out in Washington. This dispute could significantly change President Donald Trump’s election chances.

Double standards that are not even overlooked

Because it is clear to all parties what influence the replacement has in the Supreme Court. With a third judge appointed by him for life, Trump could anchor a permanent conservative majority who could shape American society with fundamental decisions on issues like abortion, immigration and gun ownership: Conservatives dream of that, the left does not. fear nothing more than that.

It’s already clear in Congress how bitter the haggling for power is. Trump will present his candidate for women later this week. The Senate, under Republican leadership, wants to ratify it in a hurry, although in 2016, when President Barack Obama was appointed, it was still rumored that such a nomination would not be possible in an election year. They do not even speak well of this double standard, because everyone involved is clear: it is about power.

Democrats have to watch events helplessly. They are publicly lobbying moderates among Republican senators and those running for reelection in November. But the four Republicans in need do not appear to be retiring. Most of the unstable candidates have already sided with Trump and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

A big distraction for Trump

For their part, some of the Democrats now threaten revenge and the next violation of the taboo: namely, increasing the number of constitutional judges after a possible electoral victory and thus installing a left majority in the court. This was tried once, in the 1930s, by Franklin D. Roosevelt, without success.

Given that the personal details in the powerful court are so heated, many observers believe that the issue could dominate the final weeks of the election campaign.

There are obvious advantages for Donald Trump here, because he has a distracting theme from the crown pandemic and his dismal record as a crisis manager. Already a new slogan is being heard at election campaign rallies: “Fill that seat!” – Take the job!

Fodder for undecided voters

Appointment of like-minded judges is very important to many conservative voters. Trump has a lot to show for here: Not only has he brought two justices to constitutional court, but he has also placed more than a hundred staunch conservatives in other instances across the country.

Thus, many conservative voters who wavered in the election because of Corona or other Trump behavior might eventually cross paths with Trump again. And the fact that Trump wants to appoint a woman should also help female voters who have turned to Joe Biden in droves.

Are you interested in the American elections? Washington correspondent Fabian Reinbold writes a newsletter about his work at the White House and his impressions of the United States under Donald Trump. Here you can subscribe to the “Post from Washington” for free, which then lands directly in your mailbox once a week.

But it is not certain that Trump’s hope will be fulfilled. Because his opponent Joe Biden and the Democrats also see an opportunity.

As powerless as they may seem in the Senate, they see enormous mobilization potential in the country. Especially the left and young supporters, who have so far not seen Joe Biden with enthusiasm, could now rush to the polls: not only in the presidential election, but also in the vote for the Senate, where Democrats believe they have good results. chances, most in November. to incline.

Donation records fall

The decision of the Democrats will be to link the question of the judges with the popular health insurance Obamacare. Trump wants to abolish Obamacare, a procedure that he has presented is already before the Supreme Court and should be decided in the week after the elections, so possibly already with Trump’s new judge.

If the Trump administration judges are right, millions of Americans could lose their health insurance. This can be used for campaigning, Democrats know: They had already scored points on the issue in the 2018 midterm elections.

The first hours and days after the news of Judge Ginsburg’s death Friday night offered an advance. In the two hours following the news, Democrats raised $ 100,000 a minute. As of noon Saturday, $ 45 million in donations were raised for Democrats.

That broke all records for an election campaign in which more money flows than ever. More recently, Joe Biden was able to develop a clear advantage over Trump in terms of donations. For your part, you can expect a rain of money when you present your Supreme Court candidate.
