Donald Trump or Joe Biden? “The most important decision of the decade”


Good morning dear readers

And thank you for paying us your attention every morning. If, like me, you were allowed to relax for a few days away from the hustle and bustle of the news, you are now prepared for the political storms of fall. My colleagues and I will continue to strive every day to separate what is important from what is not and, at dawn, give you a beacon in the flood of news. So lights on, here’s the annotated overview of the day’s topics:


Joe Biden is a corrupt politician and everyone knows it. “ – “It’s impossible for Joe to get into the president’s office.” – “Corrupt politician Joe Biden makes deceptive Hillary look like a hobbyist!” – “Joe Biden is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN !!!”

It is not difficult to find out who the corrupt politician Donald Trump thinks is a corrupt politician. Anyone struggling to follow his rants on Twitter is offered a simple world view: here the super-big, super-hit headline; there, his totally inept and totally corrupt rival. Those who have all five senses together cannot take this wild stuttering seriously. One should think so. Unfortunately, there are so many people who not only take it seriously, but are very excited about it. In fact, there are so many that you should probably add another “very”: Many, many Americans still think that Donald Trump is a great president, and if you’ve listened to them in the past few days, you might have several. Hear the reasons for their enthusiasm. They are happy to have more money in their pockets since Trump took office, like this gentleman. They praise the president for calling Jesus Christ the “boss”, like this fan. They admire him because he is “very different” from all other politicians, like this trailer. That Trump benefited above all from the economic policy of his predecessor Barack Obama, who when asked, revealed a total ignorance of the content of the Bible, that his ignorance of political processes is one of the reasons for his disastrous official record: they don’t seem to care about any of this. Or they don’t even want to know. They bathe in their Facebook bubbles or in the crowd of other Trump fans and proudly wear the red Make America Great Again caps. And they probably won’t give a penny to the “New York Times,” which Donald Trump just described as the “worst president of the modern era.” and called for the election of Joe Biden.

If you look at the panorama of the American electoral battle these days, you have the impression: For many voters it is not about logic, arguments or ideas, but about Believe. Trump supporters see what they want to see (and should see): A vigorous Superman who cleaned out the Augias stables in Washington, taught the Chinese to fear, created tons of jobs, lowered taxes, beat the coronavirus, and the benefactors of left with yours. It has taken on transgender toilets. They succumb to his brutal charisma, ignore his lies, think he’s a good friend: Sure, sometimes he exaggerates, but hey, don’t we all do that? Nobody is perfect! And nobody is as loud as Trump. Every minute he announces his exclamation marks to the people and every day touches the nerve of all those citizens who have long hated the conventional political ranks. Millions of Americans have already cast their votes in two weeks is Election Day and Trump’s chances of a second term appear to be increasing again, At least if you believe in the betting odds of political exchanges.

In our homey Germany Where the strangest political excesses are found in the oaths of the AfD people, the misstep of Friedrich Merzen, or the hair of Toni Hofreiter, we tend to shake our heads at the spectacle of the American elections, but we don’t give much thought to our lives to the result of the vote. If Americans choose, if they want, a grandfather or a madman, we do not care. Nothing is more wrong. The 2020 U.S. presidential elections are the most important political decision of the decade. Also for us in Germany.

Although the United States has weakened, its glow has faded and its international influence has shrunk: The White House still receives those Coordinates of world politics stuck; Without the wind in Washington’s favor, European states are nothing more than ants in the elephant enclosure of world politics. We all face historical tasks. First, you need Fight Corona a strong America that supports the World Health Organization instead of torpedoing it. Second, it must be consistent Global climate protection finally moving forward, every day counts. The United States is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases, and only they have the power to persuade states like India, Japan or Brazil to resolutely protect the environment. Third, it must expire in four months. New start-up agreement to limit strategic nuclear weapons be rescued to avoid the threat of nuclear war. What is needed is a political authority to extend the existing treaty with Russia and then coordinate negotiations on a new deal that will include the arsenals of China, India, Pakistan and Israel. Fourth, the West needs a leader who can Conflict with China It didn’t come down to a Twitter riot and an arms race over tariffs, but seriously tried to define fair and reliable rules for the global economy. As a leading export country, Germany depends on the impending Bipolarity it is absolutely avoided. Already hanging over our heads like the sword of Damocles: China and the US could soon demand that trading partners only follow their norms and product standards, and reject those of their rivals. So Germany would have to choose between Washington or Beijing. It would be the end of our prosperity based on flourishing trade with both China and the United States.

Four tasks of historical dimension. Everyone needs a sensible, determined but consensual leader in the White House. A person with empathy, experience and foresight. On November 3, the question arises of who will be allowed to shape the destiny of world politics in the years to come: or a pale political dinosaur whose program is limited to exposing the mistakes of his opponent. Or Donald Trump. A man who exhales lies like someone else’s breath. Who has spread as much misinformation about the corona pandemic as no one else in the world. Who arouses hatred towards those who refuse to worship him. Who puts salt to the social wounds of the United States every day. Who ignores the democratic rules of the game and also boasts of them. The agreement is broken instead of signing new ones. That poisons international politics with its destruction. Who has proven that he is not fit for the most powerful office in the world. This is what it’s about now: A historic turning point for millions of people around the world. Here in Germany too.

Trump supporters at a rally in Wisconsin.  (Source: imago images)Trump supporters at a rally in Wisconsin. (Source: imago images)



    (What: Twitter) (What: Twitter)

The shortest quote of the day comes from Joe Biden. With an embarrassing “yes,” he sums up his entire campaign strategy: Just let the president speak, he will expose himself. In this case, Donald Trump had warned that his rival in the crown crisis would listen to scientists, increasing the risk of further restrictions. But in the fight against the virus, most Americans reject Trump’s zigzag course. Therefore, Mr. Biden can get the best score if he says as little as possible himself and therefore makes the contrast with the president clear, even if only with three points before a very short word.


    (Quelle: Real Clear Politics) (Quelle: Real Clear Politics)

I don’t know about you, but it gives me the impression: More and more fellow citizens have understood that the situation of the crown is once again really serious. Sure, there are those who cannot be taught the grudges of the masks and the stallions of the party, but they are in the minority. It is not surprising when you look at the rampant number of infections. And when you see how quickly a region can turn into a crisis area, well Berchtesgadener Land, where infections were hardly reported in early October, but now almost all public life has to be frozen. My colleague Camilla Kohrs explains why the number of cases skyrocketed there in a few days. And my colleague Nicole Sagener reports on a new study showing for the first time the fatal consequences of travel for the spread of the virus. I think prime ministers will take a close look at these examples. Also the heads of government of Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, who today discuss a greater tightening of the rules of the crown.


The African Sahel is the scene of a humanitarian disaster: Millions of people die of hunger in the border areas of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. Weather-related droughts steal crops, terrorists spread fear and terror, and now Corona has been added as well. Countries need help quickly. Germany, Denmark, the EU and the United Nations want to raise money at a donor conference today.



What drives Americans in election campaigns? Our correspondent Fabian Reinbold lined up in front of an electoral college in Virginia and spoke with representatives of a heavily courted group of voters: Suburban women. Their findings are sobering.


The American electoral system is far from equitable, fair and equitable. Minorities cannot vote, many citizens are completely excluded. But the most perfidious manipulation of voters comes from a different direction and can affect us in this country too. as reported by “Deutschlandfunk”.


“Homeopathy is complete nonsense,” says Harald Lesch. (Source: ZDF)

Harald Lesch is probably the most famous television teacher in Germany. In an interview with my colleague Steven Sowa, he explains: which, from his point of view, connects the deniers of the crown, the neo-Nazis and the supporters of homeopathy.


Angela Merkel has urged all citizens to strictly adhere to the rules of Corona. Unfortunately, political acts are less convincing than the words of the Chancellor, says our columnist Gerhard Spörl.


What amuses me?

Burgers have our own pride.

    (Source: Mario Lars) (Source: Mario Lars)

I wish you a healthy day.



Florian Damage
Editor-in-chief of t-online
Email: [email protected]

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