Donald Trump: next bitter rejection after being ousted from office: dream now exploding? “It is a lifestyle”


What is Donald Trump doing after he handed over Joe Biden? After serious accusations, now there is a rejection of the former president.

  • Donald Trump did not attend the delivery to Joe Biden * and went to Florida.
  • Trump International? Now there was a clear rejection of a dream of Donald Trump (see update of January 24 at 1:30 p.m.)
  • An NGO in Washington has now made public a serious suspicion against Trump’s team (see update of January 24 at 9.15 am).

Update January 24 at 5:10 pm: the Indictment procedure in the United States Senate that the political future of Former US President Donald Trump can be frustrating, the second week of February will enter the hot phase. Then Trump should negotiate in the House of Parliament as in a court case. His term has expired, but the process could take a lifetime. Prohibition of charges at the federal level bring for him.

Democrats want Trump because his supporters attack that US-Kapitol render accounts on January 6. At the same time, however, they also want to avoid the process of major startup initiatives by the new president. Joe biden Overdue, like the huge new $ 1.9 trillion stimulus package, which is still controversial among Democrats and Republicans in the Senate.

First, the House of Representatives indictment with the “incitement to riot” indictment is to be published on Monday evening local time (7:00 pm / 1:00 am CET Tuesday) at senate to be read. Then on Tuesday, the swearing in of members of the process, such as the Democratic Majority Leader in the United States Senate, Chuck schumer, Announced.

Donald Trump: Next Bitter Rejection After Being Voted: Has The Airport Dream Now Exploded?

Update as of January 24, 1:30 pm: Supposedly it is a fervent wish of the former president Donald trump. One day, an airport will bear his name. Airports, buildings, and schools in the United States are often named after former presidents. Your suggestion, according to the tabloid page Rawstory: Trump international. In keeping with this, Donald Trump liked holding election campaign events at airfields.

An airport that lent itself to the realization of this dream was that of palm beach. Cause that’s where it is Golf-Resort Mar-a-Lagowhere is the Trump family after the Moving out of the White House has settled. But now the Palm Beach district has made it clear that Trump’s dream will not come true. At least not with them. Who reported Solar Sentinel, the newspaper with the largest circulation in the area. The head of the district commission, Melissa McKinlay, said in an interview with the newspaper that she did not believe in this idea.

“When people listen to Palm Beach, they imagine our beaches, our equestrian sports, and in some cases, our agricultural contributions,” McKinlay said. “It’s a lifestyle”, which he apparently does not associate with the former president Donald trump I want to bring against being current second indictment procedure running. The name “Trump International” is also better suited to one of its golf courses.

Suspicion of Donald Trump’s team: money donations in connection with the assault on the US Capitol.

Update on January 24 at 9:15 am.: Trump’s team is under suspicion for donating money to Riots during the assault on the US Capitol to be in touch on January 6. This is reported by the Washington-based NGO Center for Responsive Politicswho say they are tracking money in politics and lobbying. According to their research, former President Donald Trump’s campaign has donated millions over the past two years – $ 2.7 million – to individuals and organizations that are apparently involved in planning and implementing the attack on Capitol Hill. It is a serious suspicion that joins the accumulated problems of Donald Trump *.

Update from January 23, 1:45 pm: An investigative investigation of the New York Times covered Donald Trump’s last attemptto stay in power after all. The former president toyed with the idea of ​​replacing Justice Minister Jeffrey Rosen. With the help of attorney Jeffrey Clark, he apparently wanted them Georgia State Election Results get back in your favor. The project failed because of that, so New York Timesthat senior Justice Department officials threatened to fire. No public statements have yet been received from Donald Trumps, Jeffrey Rosens and the Justice Department.

After the loan to Joe Biden: Donald Trump speaks for the first time in Florida

First report on January 23 at 11 am.: Palm Beach, Florida – For the first time after the Deliver to Joe Biden has Former President Donald Trump expressed publicly. Trump had been remarkably quiet during the power shift. He had first hidden in his Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Florida. But now a journalist from Washington Examiners spoke exclusively to Trump. Even very briefly.

“We will do something, but not yet”The 74-year-old is said to have told reporter Rob Crilly. The former president was having dinner with friends on his golf course. However, Crilly couldn’t find out more because Trump’s aide immediately ended the conversation. However, the short statement shows that Donald Trump * a return plans. Anyway. Signs were already circulating that he planned to found his own party *.

Donald Trump left Washington before Biden’s inauguration: retires to golf at Mar-a-Lago

While the Democratic Party begins impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump Along the way, he pursued one of his favorite hobbies: golf. In the photos, taken at his Mar-a-Lago resort, he can be seen wearing a white polo shirt and a red Make America Great cap. Instead of attending Joe Biden’s inauguration, as is tradition for an outgoing American president, he broke Donald Trump on January 20 with Melania * to Florida. That he seemed remarkably relaxed * during his departure from the White House. Meanwhile, Trump’s children fought back tears at their father’s farewell ceremony. Probably also because they fear * for their own political future.

“Needs a break”should that Washington Examiner according to one of his co-workers. “I think we all expect him to play golf for a month, but he always has to be on the go.” What Donald Trump is planning is open. In his four-year presidency, however, he has shown numerous times that he can act erratically. His neighborhood, on the other hand, apparently * expects one thing above all: peace. (also know as). * is part of the Ippen-Digital network

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