Donald Trump: Joe Biden Attacks US President According To Media Reports


Joe Biden, United States Democratic Presidential Candidate

If what it says on The Atlantic is true, it’s disgusting.

Joe Biden in Attack Mode – Donald Trump on the defensive. According to a report in the American magazine “The Atlantic,” Trump is said to have called fallen American soldiers “idiots” and “losers.” Comment of the President of the United States:

Donald Trump, President of the United States

“It is a false story and it is a shame that they publish it.”

“The Atlantic”, however, stays with the presentation. Biden follows up and it gets personal.

Joe Biden, United States Democratic Presidential Candidate

“When my son volunteered and joined the United States Army as attorney general and went to Iraq for a year to receive the bronze star and other awards, he was no fool. The men and women he served with, especially those who didn’t make it home weren’t losers. If these statements are true, the President should humbly apologize to every Gold Star mother and father, every Blue Star family that he has vilified. Who the hell does he think he is? ”

“The Atlantic” reported, referring to four witnesses, that Trump also refused to visit a military cemetery in 2018 because he feared his hairstyle might “mess up” in the rain.

The magazine’s report taps into Trump’s Law & Order campaign strategy: He had recently threatened the use of professional soldiers against violent protesters during the Black Lives Matter protests. Now he is suspected of making fun of his own armed forces. A starting point for your opponent:

Joe Biden, United States Democratic Presidential Candidate

“President Trump shows that he has no compassion for military service or loyalty to anything but himself. It confirms what most of us think: Donald Trump is not fit to be president and commander-in-chief of the military.” . ”

According to a poll released earlier this week, Trump has less support from the troops than Biden. Consequently, about 37 percent of the GIs surveyed were in favor of a second term for the president. 43 percent were in favor of Joe Biden’s victory.
