Donald Trump “isolated” in the White House: it will be a loneliness for the president of EE.


The ranks around Donald Trump are thinning. Staff and staff are reportedly avoiding the president in the White House to avoid falling victim to his tirade.

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  • In the White House, employees are now supposed to avoid the president-elect of the United States.
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Washington DC – Um Donald trump it becomes lonely in the Advent season. According to insider reports, the president-elect is still angry about his electoral defeat and with his tirades creates a tense atmosphere in the White House. This should mean that employees and confidants are now avoiding it.

From “ruler” to “fear of employees”: Donald Trump finds himself gradually isolated in the White House.

© Oliver Contreras via

CNN: Donald Trump “isolated” in the White House

Names of journalist Maggie Habermann Donald trump “isolated”. On the CNN show, he emphasizes that rumors of an isolated president have been circulating since he took office about four years ago. But now Trump is truly isolated. Sources of White House it is said that he was informed that “his circle has become much, much closer.” Only a few people spoke to him, it is said that most of the employees try to avoid the president.

The “hiding” motif is included. Donald trump According to internal sources, he was in a bad mood. He also wanted his employees to agree to his conspiracy theory of alleged “voter fraud.” Habermann reports that many of the employees – “not all, but many” – did not want to confirm the narrative of the elected president. Furthermore, Donald Trump is disappointed that he was not featured on the cover of “Time Magazine” as “Person of the Year” during his tenure. Joe biden and Kamala harris However, this honor was bestowed on Friday (December 11, 2020) before he moved to White House grant.

Donald Trump doesn’t want to talk about 2024, he just wants to stay in the White House

On Tuesday (December 8, 2020) came Donald trump at the foot of the great staircase adorned with garlands White House in front of a group of guests and complained about the people around him. It bothers him that those around him have stopped trying to change the outcome of the elections with him. A video recorded among the guests at the party and posted on Twitter shows the president explaining to his cheering guests: “I don’t want to think about what it will be like in four years.”

Disturbs Donald trump Obviously being asked over and over again about a possible presidential bid in 2024. Kevin Liptak, CNN reporter at White House, paint a sad picture of the outgoing president in a detailed report. According to Liptak, Trump is frustrated that his employees are ready to forge future plans for the post-White House era, while he prefers to stay where he is.

Donald Trump allegedly promised defiantly to “punish” “unfair” employees

Liptak interprets the short speech as a sign that the Donald trump it becomes a one-on-one battle fought on Twitter and over the phone. As the outgoing president continues to turn a blind eye to the fact of his defeat, more and more people around him would “open the next chapter and try to push him there as well.”

Private must be Donald trump they have complained tirelessly in recent weeks that “their” Republicans have not shown enough support. It is said that, defiantly, he swore to punish those he considered disloyal. And right now it’s easy to negotiate because of the loser’s anger. Your Minister of Justice William Barr publicly told Trump for failing to present evidence of Trump’s “voter fraud” story. According to various media reports, the minister should consider resigning before January 20.

Melania Trump plans to move, Ivanka Trump buys land, Donald Trump keeps fighting

Subordinates who dared Donald trump Liptak reports that the 45th president of the United States has “put him aside” to persuade him to see his electoral defeat. Trump’s support, however, is dwindling every day since the inauguration of Joe biden January 20, 2021 is approaching. His wife, First Lady Melania Trump, has already started preparations for the move to Mar-a-Lago. You are supposed to deliver furniture and art from the White House Planning to go to warm Florida, voices are coming out of the presidential office that he just wants to get out of the United States capital.

The president voted out after a period (since the 20th century)
Donald J. Trump (right) 2020
George HW Bush (right) 1992
Jimmy Carter (D) 1980
Gerald R. Ford (right) 1976
Herbert Hoover (right) 1932
William Howard Taft (right) 1912

Her daughter and closest adviser, Ivanka Trump, is said to have recently bought a prestigious piece of land with her husband Jared Kushner on an island off Miami that has been labeled a “multi-million dollar bunker.” Even if that White House does not want to provide any information about it, the media and political circles in the United States assume that the “power couple” plans to settle there soon. That doesn’t exactly suggest an unshakable belief that Donald trump the result of the election will be delivered to the courts.

White House employees seek new jobs after Donald Trump’s electoral defeat

And then there’s the large staff of employees at the White House. Gradually, CNN reporter Liptak reports, layoffs were received; those who have not quit are now looking for new jobs. And even the Trump administration ministers are now meeting, sometimes more and sometimes less in secret, with their appointees. Joe biden designated successors in order to initiate a smooth transfer of official business.

On Tuesday (December 8, 2020) Anthony Fauci avoided the public relations program of the “vaccine summit” of Donald trump. Instead, the chief immunologist of the US government led the simultaneous presentation of the team responsible for the health of the US population. Joe biden part. Fauci was enthusiastic when he said, “I look forward to advising you on these most pressing priorities and working with this world-class team of experts that I have known for many years and deeply respect.”

Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis are still on Donald Trump’s side, they both have Crown

Donald trump disintegration phenomena in its direct environment do not seem to irritate. Along with his “Strike Force” around Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, he continues to seek legal action against the outcome of the election. Trump doesn’t seem like a sign that he has to take one defeat after another to court, and more recently to the Supreme Court as well. To make matters worse, both jurists were infected for the last time with the corona virus. (Mirko Schmid)

Headline list image: © Oliver Contreras via
