Donald Trump is even stupider than previously thought


Reporter legend Bob Woodward is one of the greatest enemies of the President of the United States. Despite this, Donald Trump continued to speak with the journalist. That could only go wrong.

In four years we have learned one thing about everything about the President of the United States, Donald Trump: he lies like a letter in print, he does not accept any rules, and yet his followers celebrate him as the savior of America.

Here in distant Europe we hear and see every other day, but now we are also a bit dull. The new book “Rage” by the legend of journalist Bob Woodward, in which he shows that Trump deliberately misled his people for months about the danger of Corona, raises an age-old question: How stupid can a president be? be? Is it worse than we fear?

Politicians and journalists, especially in the United States, are affectionately linked to each other. Everyone trusts that the other will do their worst, and everyone knows the other: when in doubt, they don’t mean well to me, much less honestly.

Trump turned off the press

Journalists never miss a chance to beat politicians in the skillet. Very smart politicians try to avoid this by giving journalists exclusive information and thereby trying to calm them down. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

About the Author: Georg Streiter worked as a journalist for a long time, including for the “Express”, the “Hamburger Morgenpost”, the “Stern” and the “Bild-Zeitung”. From 2011 to 2018 he was a deputy spokesman for the federal government. Since then he has been a communications consultant and has been running the blog “Resubmission” since September 2020.

Donald Trump has taken an even easier route and simply turned off the press. Besides his friends on “Fox News,” he simply bypasses the media, claiming to be the lying press, and creates his own world of news on Twitter. No need for reporters or editorial offices: report immediately and without filters like “@realDonaldTrump” on the cell phone of his 85 million followers, who are happy with every message from their president, no matter how big the cheese.

And now it turns out that one day Trump’s outspoken opponent, Bob Woodward, got in touch with the president. One of the “incorruptible” people who toppled Trump’s predecessor, Richard Nixon, when the Watergate affair was revealed in 1974. If you understand journalists as hunters, you can call Woodward a successful big game hunter.

While I speak, no one else is speaking

Of all the people, did Trump make long, comfortable phone calls with this one at night? Let him record the conversation 18 times? No pig would talk to its butcher! So is Trump even stupider than we think? This could be.

Or maybe it’s different. And if we have learned something in recent years, it is this: you should not discount anything in this crazy world, no matter how crazy it may seem.

Maybe Trump thought: I can’t expect anything good from Woodward anyway, so I’ll text him correctly first. If we talk on the phone for half a year, he won’t write anything for half a year either. This follows the old rule of politicians: while I speak, no one else speaks.

And now that Woodward is releasing his book in a few days, he too is faced with questions: Why has he, like Trump, been hiding for months how dangerous Corona is?

US election campaigns are as dirty as almost nothing in the world. Democrats are now attacking Republicans and accusing their leader Donald Trump of having human lives on his conscience due to his trivialization of Corona. Trump can now always counter: his key witness was my accomplice and he was also silent. At first glance, the president is not entirely wrong. Because they both have something to explain.

But only one person really has responsibility as a position, and that is Donald Trump.

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