Donald Trump is driving America crazy


Conspiracy theories are similar to the coronavirus: once in the world, they can affect anyone, regardless of skin color, gender or political position. This Sunday, Michael R. Caputo, a confidant of Donald Trump, reported on the sinister shadows he believed to have seen on the wall of his apartment in Washington.

In a Facebook chat with friends, he also spoke about paramilitary groups allegedly training across the country to lead the resistance against a second Trump term. And he advised his friends to prepare for the coming battle: “If you have a gun, ladies and gentlemen, buy ammunition now because it will be very difficult.”

Caputo is not some freak spreading his madness online. The 58-year-old has a colorful and eventful past:

  • He advised Russian President Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s and was on the payroll of energy giant Gazprom.

  • He later entered the service of Donald Trump and advised him as the latter prepared to win the Republican presidential nomination.

  • In April, Trump appointed him spokesman for the US Department of Health and thus director of communications for the corona pandemic.

But while big-name academics within the administration are pushing for the president to encourage Americans to wear masks, Caputo has a whole theory of his own as to why the United States looks so bad fighting the pandemic: CDC officials would not remove the masks. sweat pants, he said, “except to meet at a café to plan the next plot against the president.”

Supposedly, even Trump’s advisers are now wondering if it is a good idea to let a man who sees shadows on the wall make the communication about the corona pandemic. On the other hand, Caputo only slightly surpasses the president in his madness.

The president himself has already spoken about the fact that left-wing activists in riot gear are flying across the United States to stir up an uproar. And that the “deep state,” Washington’s official apparatus, is working against him has been part of the president’s leitmotif since he took office in January 2017.

Yet unlike Trump, Caputo clearly believes in the insanity he is spreading. He is the victim of a pandemic of lies that did not originate in Wuhan, China, but in the White House.

What will be important

US presidential election campaigns include so-called “October surprises,” those events that have the potential to turn a campaign at the last minute. The tape that was released in early October 2016 and in which Donald Trump bragged about grabbing women by the crotch without being asked definitely falls into this category.

In the days that followed, Trump was deemed to have ended, until then-FBI chief James Comey announced in late October 2016 that he would reopen the investigation into the Hillary Clinton email matter. Today, many Democrats, including Clinton himself, believe that Comey gave Trump the keys to the White House.

Are there October surprises again this year? In any case, one thing is clear: Trump needs a turnaround in the election campaign much more than Joe Biden, who is ahead of the president in almost every poll. The president just revealed on Twitter what such a surprise would be like.

There he announced that the United States would fight back “1000 times” worse if Iran committed an attack against the United States in revenge for the death of General Qasem Soleimani. The tweet can be read as a warning to the Tehran regime. Or as a forecast of what issue could become important in the final weeks before the election.

What the polls say

Biden’s campaign is currently concerned about a group of voters who actually thought it was in their pockets: Latinos. What reason should voters with Latin American roots have to elect a president who has labeled Mexicans as “criminals” and “rapists,” who is building a wall on the southern border of the United States, and who inspired a mass murderer? that killed 23 people in August 2019? Texas El Paso?

But a poll now shows that Trump has a small majority of Latinos in Florida behind him, which is mainly due to the fact that Cubans in exile cling to the president. This particular group appears to be particularly receptive to Trump’s message that Biden will introduce a socialist regime in Washington.

The poll worries Democrats. Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 also because he had won populous Florida by a very small majority. Because of this and despite Corona, election activist Biden was in Florida on Tuesday, for the first time since he was officially the Democratic nominee.

Our American Stories of the Week

I’d like to recommend these two stories from our US campaign team over the past few days:

I wish you a good week!


Your René Pfister
