Donald Trump in Florida: Neighborhood is “Relieved” – Renowned Luxury Residential Complex


  • Rebecca Röhrich

    ofRebecca Röhrich

    to turn off

  • Tobias Möllers

    Tobias Möllers

    to turn off

After being removed from office as President of the United States, Donald Trump retired to his favorite home, Mar-a-Lago. Numerous members are leaving the complex.

  • The voted US President Donald Trump has to Mar-a-Lago retired. Many members return to Trump Favorite address now back.
  • A luxury residential complex in the neighborhood no longer bears the name of the Presidents of United States.
  • Trump-News *: All the news about the voted Presidents of United States on the FR topic page.

Update 02/27/2021, 10:03 am: When the former president of the United States Donald trump of your future Villa Mar-a-Lago in Florida if you look at a twin tower complex in front, you should feel bad. Because the owners of the luxury apartment group have now decided to remove their name from the “Trump Plaza residential complex”.

The attitude of the former president Donald trump during the assault on the United States Capitol continues to circulate. As reported by The Palm Beach Post, it has not yet been determined whether the building complex will receive a new name. According to the local newspaper, the apartment will be sold there for a price of between one and four million dollars. One resident told the American newspaper about the name change: “Most of us are relieved that the name of the building is finally being removed.”

After resigning as president of the United States, Donald Trump stays in his favorite house in Florida.

© Terry Renna

After his defeat in the 2020 U.S. elections, he had Donald trump he moved to Florida with his family to his luxurious Mar-a-Lago club.

Donald Trump flees to Florida: But bad news also reaches him in Mar-a-Lago

Mar-a-Lago / Florida – After his defeat in the 2020 US elections and before the official inauguration of the President of the United States. Joe biden is Donald trump in his favorite house Mar-a-Lago fled in Florida. But there is also bad news for there Triumph: More and more members turn their backs on the resort.

“It is a very sad place”Historian and author Laurence Leamer tells US station MSNBC Mar-a-Lago. the expert He even wrote a book on the property and its illustrious members. Leamer says he spoke with several former members who were looking Trump’s departure “I have left office in silence.”

Donald Trump’s Favorite Residence, Mar-a-Lago: “It’s Not What It Was”

According to Leamer, the former members complained that the food was not good. I also have Donald trump With the loss of his power as President of the United States, he also clearly lost his appeal to his members. Much more is now important to members who were once loyal, there is no connection to the former president of the United States to have.

Donald trump zog in das Anwesen in Palm Beach, Floridaafter his term ended last week. Trump made himself even before the inauguration of his successor Joe biden way to Mar-a-Lago. But without the seal of approval from the current president of the United States who works on the estate, guests find that Mar-a-Lago it has lost its charm. There would be no entertainment on the property during the pandemic, Leamer explains, adding: “It’s a sad place. It’s not what it was. “

Donald Trumps Resort Mar-a-Lago: “A terrible place”

When Donald trump he was still president of the US, many people paid up to $ 200,000 for a Membership in Mar-a-Lagosays Leamer. They would hardly continue to pay that price. This is bitter for Trump, because the resort was one of his few companies that posted good numbers recently. Trump’s hotels and hospitality companies were Coronavirus pandemic It hit hard, but Mar-a-Lago sales rose from $ 21.4 million to $ 24.2 million last year.

The critics scoffed Mar-a-Lago on the other hand, it has long been a clumsy and stuffy club filled with Trump memorabilia, some of which are even fake. the Night Moderator Jimmy Kimmel He told me on Friday about a visit to the resort shortly before Donald trump The President of the United States said: “It cannot be overstated how strange it is,” Kimmel said on The Ringer’s “The Bill Simmons Podcast”: “It was a quiet and terrible place,” Kimmel said. “And now he lives in this terrible place.”

Donald trump changed permanent residence in 2019 from Trump Tower in New York to the resort in Florida. However, it is controversial whether he can live there permanently because that goes against his agreement with the city. palm beach 1993 could rape. Recently there was anger with Mar-a-Lago because there was a New Year’s Eve party without a mask or distance.

Mar-a-Lago: residents are no longer like Donald Trump

“Even here people don’t like it,” believes Leamer, referring to them. Residents: within Palm Beach – of which many for Donald trump he had voted because they expected lower taxes and a booming stock market: “It’s just another measure of how their power has fallen.” (Tobias Möllers)
