Donald Trump goes on a hike despite Corona: “You could die, for political theater”


A boost for the election campaign instead of relaxing in isolation. Donald Trump visited his fans in front of the hospital despite his corona infection. In the car and without direct contact with his followers. But he was not alone in the car.

John Pitney, Professor of American Politics:
“This is different from other presidential illnesses. In this case, the president apparently endangered other people. When Ronald Reagan had cancer or was shot, he did not endanger other people. Now the president has acted in a way that many They consider Look without mercy. Even that visit, the trip, may have put the other people in the car at risk. “

A White House spokesman said the medical team had qualified the trip as safe. But Dr. James Phillips, a general practitioner at Walter Reed Hospital, slammed the president.

He called for completely unnecessary action, spoke of insanity. Each person in the vehicle must now be quarantined for 14 days. Following Trump’s orders, they would have risked their lives for the political theater.

Additionally, there are disagreements regarding the timing of Trump’s infection. This was only announced on Wednesday.

Dr. Sean Conley, Donald Trump Leibarzt:
“The diagnosis was 72 hours ago. With Covid, the first week, and especially days seven to ten, are crucial in determining the probable course of the disease.”

“When was the diagnosis that Trump was positive? You said 72 hours. That would be Wednesday.”

Dr. Sean Conley, Donald Trump Leibarzt:
“So on Thursday afternoon, after it was clear that there had been close contact, we repeated the test. The clinical evidence raised concern. Late at night we had confirmation of a PCR test that was positive. “

Then the personal physician evades. The exact process is important. If there was a serious suspicion on Wednesday, it would be devastating: because on Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon, Trump met with activists in Minnesota and New Jersey.

This also raises the question of which official information to trust. Trump’s doctor had previously downplayed the president’s symptoms.

“Why have you been so reluctant to reveal that the president has oxygenated?”

Dr. Sean Conley, Donald Trump Leibarzt:
“Good question.”

“Thank you.”

Dr. Sean Conley, Donald Trump Leibarzt:
“I tried to reflect the optimistic attitude that the team, the president and his illness had shown. I didn’t want to give any information that could lead the illness in a different direction. we are trying to hide something that was not necessarily correct. The fact is that he is doing very well. “

The White House was met with suspicion even before the Trump show. The election campaign should not diminish this, and Trump’s image could even

John Pitney, Professor of American Politics:
“In times of a pandemic, that casts a very bad light on the president. It will not help him politically.”

Trump urgently needs positive news. The United States will vote in less than a month, and in polls, the president is still far behind challenger Joe Biden.
